In commemoration of the evasion of Eva, I tried eating "animated Nerf Headquarters Supplied Food Sea Rice Bento"

"Evangelion New Theatrical Version: DestructionBlu - ray and DVD today are on sale on May 26, 2010, and in commemoration of it, somehow animate is "Nerv 's headquarters' meals mealWe sold something called "Today's Limited & Store Limited", so I bought it and tried it.

8 kinds of stickers with bonus "EVA-EXTRA 07Also got it.

Photo review is from below.
Nerv 's headquarter' s meal supplement Tin Baiku lunch box | Animate if it is animation!

That's why I arrived at the animate Nihonbashi store.

Limited sale only on May 26

From the morning it was selling as much as possible, and when I went to buy it in the afternoon,

One 1300 yen

People in Nerf sold out in the weather that is going hard and it will rain

Buy 4

The atmosphere and the atmosphere are out

It is "The product provided by the Japan Marine Ecosystem Conservation Research Organization", and if you see Eva breakup, it is a mechanism that understands "Oh, that's it," that's why it is "a rice meal".

I also have a mark of Nerf properly


Please eat during the day

Today 23 o'clock expires

The contents of the inside looks like this .... If the red sea bream is small, is not it ...... Is it really okay to call me a rice meal ...?

The body itself seems to be usable as many times as you can wash

The size of such feeling in hand

Contents, simple, simple. No, because it is a rice meal, this is such a thing.

Moss is also sticking out

Is the taste salty? And for some reason I am quite sweet, I can never taste flattery even with compliments. Who is it, why did you make it? If this is a standard lunch box of the world after the second impact, surely humanity may perish in this way. Anyway, it is a seasoning at a level where the dietary life in the world of the theater version becomes very worried. Anyway it might be a pleasure for those Lawson 's lunch boxes, UCC' s canned coffee, and the inclusion of this all - around tie - up like the tie - up all this time.

Anyway, if you buy one, chopsticks come with 3 meals, which also comes with the logo of Nerv. Such a fine consideration is expected to be an animate.

Also, this is the free paper "EVA EXTRA 07" that stuck together. A5 version, full 24 pages in full color.

Illustrations drawn by Director Tsurumaki Kazuya are posted

It was somewhat caught like a promotional poster

This is a flyer

There are also 8 kinds of benefits dress up stickers. I get one piece every 500 yen.

This lunch box itself is limited today, and the stores that are selling areIkebukuro main store·Akihabara store·Yokohama store·Fujisawa shop·Odawara store·Nagoya store·Tennoji branch·Nihonbashi branchIt will be only.

in Tasting,   Anime, Posted by darkhorse