Kokuyo's Milli-Keshi Eraser to Erase with Millimetre Precision

Stationery giant Kokuyo of the immensely popular Kadokeshi 28-Corner Eraser came up with another novel idea.
The star-shaped new eraser Milli-Keshi is designed for those who want millimetre-precision to erase exactly one letter or one row on their writing pad, with five "hands" of different width to accommodate the ruling.
Video and pics after the cut!
(Japanese)KOKUYO Press Release::"Milli-Keshi" Eraser with Five Hands
We found it at a local stationer. Look for this package.

The 5mm and 6mm-wide hands are best for erasing a row in college-ruled or narrow-ruled papers, and the 3mm, 4mm, and "pointer" come handy for erasing a single letter, or just one punctuation mark.

The eraser comes in a plastic sleeve.

Each numerals shows the hand's width.

Designed by Yuji Baba.

Slip it out of the sleeve to use.

The marks will last until the end.

So, let's erase. We tried it with Kokuyo's Campus notebook with 6mm spacing between the rules.

Erasing "黒歴史"(kurorekishi: black history, a term often used to describe a past you'd like to erase).

See it in action!
YouTube - Erasing Black History with "Milli-Keshi"
It adequately removes graphite marks. Not as cool-looking as Kadokeshi but great if you're looking for precision.
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