SOFTBANK MOBILE announces new models that will be the summer 2010 model
SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp. announced that it is planning to announce a new model of mobile phone which is the summer model of 2010.
AlreadyDomestic exclusive sales of Apple's tablet PC "iPad"We have decided to work on,Dedicated rate plan also announcedAlthough it is, what kind of summer model will appear on the contrary?
Details are as below.
SoftBank New Product Announcement | SoftBank
According to the special page of SOFTBANK MOBILE, it seems to hold a new product release for the summer 2010 model from 9:30 am on Tuesday May 18 (Tue). The state of the presentation will be live broadcast on Ustream.
Two years tied up the white planOn the other hand, if the discount amount fluctuates according to the packet discount service "Value programSoftbank Mobile has begun to show major movements, including the introduction of a small base station "Femtocell" and the expansion of the area, but what exactly is the summer model?
Apart from Apple's iPhone that is showing strong sales, overseas manufacturers such as HTC are emerging in the field of smartphones, where the trend of domestic manufacturers is concerned.
By the way, SOFTBANK MOBILE is deploying in the form of hitting seasonal presentation sessions basically with KDDI and NTT docomo on the same day and this timeNTT docomo's 2010 model summer model new model releaseWe will make an announcement in the morning on the day when it will be held.
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in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log