Beauty is clear that male stress hormone increases in 5 minutes with a bad, attractive woman in the heart

It is human sexuality to see a beautiful woman, but encounter with beauty not only increases the instantaneous heart rate at that time but also gives men a long-term adverse effect on the health of the heart There may be.

When men are alone and attractive first-time women, stress hormones tied to heart disease in just 5 minutesCortisolAs the concentration increases,University of ValenciaIt became clear by the study of.

Details are as below.Beautiful women can be bad for your health, according to scientists - Telegraph

Train'scompartmentIt is a usual reaction to think that a woman sitting at a cafe or a cafe is "lucky" as a beautiful woman, but it may be said that it can not be said that in the long run.

Researchers at the University of Valencia are a private room with one each of men and women who meet for the first time for 84 male studentsSudokuI did an experiment to have a puzzle solved.

Although it may seem that it seems to be stressful even if the other person is not a beautiful person to be alone with the person who is meeting for the first time, it seems that the woman left the room and the subject was alone with two men Sometimes there was no change in the level of stress hormone in subjects, whereas when men left the room and the subjects were alone with womenCortisolIt seems that an increase has been seen in the level of.

Moreover, this effect was more pronounced when the subject feels women as "Takamine flower" "I can not do it" etc.

Cortisol is a hormone secreted under physical and psychological stress, and is linked to heart disease. A small amount of cortisol has a beneficial effect of increasing attention and well-being, but chronically increasing concentrations are said to lead to hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, infertility and so on.

"There is a possibility that attending with an attractive woman will be recognized as" opportunity for courtship behavior "in many men. While some men avoid beauty as" flowers of high roots ", the majority Men show anxiety (with approach) and accompanying hormonal reactions when they meet a beauty.In the study, with a short social contact of 5 minutes with an attractive young woman, It has been shown that male cortisol levels increase, "the researchers conclude.

Even men who think that they are beautiful flowers of high roots and do not actually approach, it seems that stress hormones are secreted under unconscious under unconsciousness when they meet beauty, so life expectancy shrinks in either case It might be a good idea to try out and call out to the beauty.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log