"WordPress Theme Designer" where free theme for WordPress is distributed with PSD file distributed a lot

"WordPressIsIn Japan too, we began to increase share rapidly from 2006FinallyMovable TypeIt is a free blog · CMS platform with a momentum of open source which is likely to destroy, and its momentum does not know where to stay.

In addition to the feature that it is developed as open source, it can be used for free, and it is also one of the features that it can be changed to easy by switching the "theme" which is the design of the site, and there is something excellent in design Many have been released for free. However, if you try to customize it to your liking, it is also true that there are many themes that are still somewhat unsatisfactory.

Here you can use this "WordPress Theme Designer"Free theme collection published at. A PSD file is bundled and it is very easy to customize, and if you combine the theme file and PSD file that is being published, you can change it to the original style without putting a time-consuming design time into trouble .

Details are as below.
WordPress Theme Designer - Free Wp Themes

Let me introduce some design themes below, some of them below.

PixDesign V2 Theme(demo)

MegaNews Theme(demo)

The Web News Theme(demo)

Centric Theme(demo)

Ilumex Theme(demo)

ThemeRay Theme(demo)

PixDesign Theme(demo)

Insight Magazine Theme(demo)

Render Magazine Theme(demo)

Deep Blue Theme(demo)

Function Theme(demo)

Centric V2 Theme(demo)

Techy Box Theme(demo)


In addition, as you go to each page, the link to the plugin etc. used on that theme and the precautions on use are properly stated and it is kindly designed.

in Web Service,   Design, Posted by darkhorse