Headline news on February 15, 2010

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:07 Feb 15, 2010, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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A manga whose real person-like heads are engaged in diplomacy with MahjongReform without muddy". It is scheduled to be released as OVA on February 26, 2010, but a glimpse of a part of how the leaders of each country spread mahjong battle under unusual forceThe second trailer is releasedIt was done.

Incidentally,First episode already published on the net alreadyBut in the second trailer "Mu ~ Dam ~ Damdam ~ Damda", the songs of dubious lyrics that seems to remember the last time flow only a bit at the end so please check here as well

So, tomorrowFebruary 16. On February 16th one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

Food that is said to have an aphrodisiac effect Top 10 - GIGAZINE

Revealed why women are badly female for their reasons - GIGAZINE

What is required by modern men for women? - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.

Google, to further fix "Google Buzz" - also consider a version separated from "Gmail": News - CNET Japan(Net, planning to provide Buzz separated from Gmail)

KDDI 's weak point of keeping "school discount" at mobile phone spring sales mobile - latest news: IT - PLUS(Mobile, I'd like to expect smartphones like KDDI)

SOFTBANK's poor communication infrastructure capital investment | Investment Hachioba(Mobile, NTT docomo's FOMA high speed is 100% as of the end of December 2008, eMobile 85% as of June 2008 and softbank 70%)

DVD bubble collapses, the head is holding picture software industry - negative spiral that music / video software industry falls (1) | Industry · Industry | Investment · economic · business oriental economy online(Software, the biggest reason why the market is shrinking is that there is a slump in the movie)

A sample of easy monitoring script made with PHP: phpspot development diary(In the case that a mechanism such as PHP, Nagios is not necessary)

Red Hat releases Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 Beta with enhanced KVM - SourceForge.JP Magazine(Corresponds to the latest chipset such as Linux and Intel, enhances the hypervisor "KVM")

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Consumer finance, greatly reduced sales Takefuji "Fund procurement extremely difficult" - Business · Economics(What exactly is this economic downturn that the economy and money business are "too dangerous to lend money")

Convicted of a man who launched a landmine in the garden, Russian international news: AFPBB News(Case, bury mines to protect the garden from intruders)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Akihaba pedestrian heaven, before resuming to resume as soon as possible Before large consecutive holidays - society(Region, which had not been implemented for 1 year and 8 months, but will resume before GW)

Try to support university students looking for jobs - Makoto Hairyasu(7 advice such as finding employment, "There is no need to read the Nikkei newspaper" "Do not become a leader of the circle")

Financial diary: Where did Genius elementary school students disappear?(Studying, study is incompetent in research if it is competent)

Painful news (No ∀ `): 【Olympic Games】 Announced the implementation of the competition as not being a problem of course of" Georgeia player luge death, cause is a fighter's negligence "course(Sports, the world's fastest course in the first place, very dangerous)

Olympus snowboard: Celebrity ceremony of the national mother player is canceled ... Tokai University - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(It is too sensitive to stop sports, campaign cheering)

Let's tell the real reason why Toyota offended the American people - Listen to Marian Keller of a renowned car consultant | DOL special report | Diamond Online(Because it was late to clarify responsibility, not car, recall itself is a problem)

Associate professor gun shot Why? Light and shadow of American universities: International: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Unless there is a university or tenure (lifetime occupational rights), it becomes very disadvantageous that it becomes a fixed term employment etc.)

Try charting the top 10 countries with the smallest population in the world: Garbagenews.com(Statistics, the greatest number of people in the Tokyo Dome capacity is amazing)

Aerial laser cannon, succeed in destroying destroyed target! : Weekly Object(Succeeded to shoot down target in flight with laser beam emitted from military, aircraft)

Troubled Ironchan train stopped JR disorderly (Society) - Sponichi Annex news(Society, several railroad fans who have cameras in the railway enter)

Plaque of asteroid explorer "Hayabusa", released in June | Other | sorae.jp(Science, Qingdao Culture Company modeled up the spacecraft "Hayabusa" returning to the earth in June)

HIV infected people will decrease! Interest in the new type of flu? : Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Health, the number of people infected decreased by 118 people compared to the previous year, the number of examination itself also decreased by 26904)

Alcohol: Development of speed inspection method to investigate decomposition ability - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(It will cost about 500 yen to 1/10 of what it was until now, such as whether it is a constitution that tends to be healthy, alcoholism, hangover, etc.)

If cold medicine and marketing drugs are 24.3%, "Pabron" is top · "People who do not buy drugs on the market" are more than 20% too: Garbagenews.com(There is a difference of 10% between Health, 1st Pablon and 2nd Lulu)

"Seven volumes of Japan's cartoons" of 6 months in prison: In violation of the child pornography law in the United States | WIRED VISION(7 adult comics in Japan that violated the culture, child pornography prohibition law)

Reduce size printing cost for women's magazines such as Kodansha and Shogakukan | NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net)(To reduce costs at each stage such as magazines, paper procurement, printing, transport)

"25% rule" of content industry - Nobuo Ikeda blog(Good suggestion that society, copyright is a device that legally creates bottlenecks that do not exist technically, interferes with new entry and suppresses original creators)

Dragon Quest 6 It was the first time to play, but the content was only about dissatisfaction. - GilCrows Penetrate Talk(It may be that the sense of disappointing after the game has too much presence of Moodoo)

Painful news (No ∀ `): USB connection" stone "appeared ... 1180 yen(Hardware, Silver Mono "glued" USB cable instead of "connecting" to stones)

Business Media Makoto: How is a swimsuit campaign girl chosen (1/2)(Memo, no public offering has been done at all and eligibility is from 16 to 23 years old)

【Chinese case book】 "O type or B type person seeking" = enterprises with blood type recruitment conditions - Jiangsu Province - Suzhou Topics - Suzhou Weinber Online(Overseas, other than requesting to write a resume in handwriting, thoroughly do detailed character analysis from handwriting)

Camera · Photo information: Photo Any information EXPRESS | Camera's Kitamura digital camera sales photo book photo development(Compare the total cost required to fulfill the same shooting purpose, taking up the camera, digital SLR flagship machine and film SLR flagship machine)

Popular at internet bookstores! "One person H guidebook" approaching girl's biggest taboo - Saizo woman(Because books are still conscious of taboo consciousness, it may be better to read Kosori alone)

Return of the true character of "Mysterious Beauty" Returning a Talent Not Available for CM? - MSN Sankei News(Entertainment,Making is released on YoutubeDo you graduate the character of Masako soon? )

Beard Pirates: Megumi's real name, Supeha ww(Note, the name of a man completely when only looking at Kanji)

A live action version "AKIRA" Progress Supervisor candidate "Brothers of Hughes" from "From Hell"? : Film News - eiga.com if you are a movie(Film, original production divided into 1 to 3 volumes and 4 to 6 volumes divided into 2 copies, the stage is from Neo Tokyo to "New Manhattan")

Ben Stiller's latest work, screening at the Berlin Film Festival 24 pictures International News: AFPBB News(movies,"Squid and whaleIt is the latest work of the director of "The Royal Tenenbaums"Or"Sam footballPerhaps people who like movies may be good to expect)

"Lifting" underwear for men, good sales before Valentine's Day | global speech | Reuters(Does clothing, the day when briefs become common sense like men also "like lifting up" female 's bra) comes?

Predict age, shock toys on sale (Excite Bit Connector) | Excite News(Gadget, naming like a tool of Doraemon called "Toshibarerare")

Do your best for studying! : Alfalfa mosaic(The story, a catchphrase called "When the hungry is empty!" Surreal)

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Headline news on February 12, 2010 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log