A movie "Star Size Comparison HD" that compares the sizes of various stars and shows how much the earth is this earth

The size of the celestial bodies are knowledge as learned at school, but I think that opportunities to realize are rare in everyday life. It is this movie "Star Size Comparison HD" that explains the size of such a celestial body in an easy-to-understand manner.

At first, we just continue to compare the size, but at the end it is quite frightening as we are waiting for surprising pearls.

Details are as below.
The comparison of sizes starts from the moon.




The appearance of the earth. I'm here with a message saying "I am here.


Saturn is quite big even without a ring.


solar. Hidden behind it are the planets before Jupiter. You can see that the scale suddenly changed.

Sirius. The alpha star in Ozaka (the brightest star in the constellation). When seen from the earth, it is the brightest star except for the sun.

Pollux.GeminiOf the β star (the second brightest star in the constellation), it is in the part corresponding to the head of the twin brother.

Arcturus.UsagariIt is an α star. It is also the third brightest star seen from the earth.

Aldebaran. It is a variable star in Taurus (a star whose brightness changes).

Rigel. It is a very bright pale star in the lower right part of Orion.

Pistol star. It was considered the brightest star in the galaxy, but it was discovered laterLBV 1806-2It has been decided to transfer that seat to.

Antares. It is α star of Scorpio.

Garnet star. It was said that it was renamed from the original name in order to shine so red.

Oyaka VY star. It is the biggest star known at present.

The angle has changed, and the place is overwhelmed by the VY star in the Odaiba. > Is the size of the Earth.

The size of the star is 2.8 billion kilometers. It goes without saying that this size is unimaginable.

Suppose we flew over this star at 900 km / h.

In that case, it seems it will take 1100 years to go round a star. It is a tremendous number.

However, this star is only a small point that makes up the galaxy.

And there are even more galaxies outside this galaxy. It seems that I feel somewhat distracted.

Finally, a further message is displayed, but please check it by watching the movie.
YouTube - Star Size Comparison HD

in Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log