"Final Fantasy 13" Hands-On! Package and Contents

More than three years from the first announcement at E3 2006, FINAL FANTASY XIII(FF13) finally came out today on December 17, 2009.
Of course we've got a copy (actually, majority of our staff got their own copies) and opened the package in anticipation. Here's our hands-on.
Pics after the cut!
FF13, shrink-wrapped.


Flip side. Maximum 1080p video mode and 5.1ch surround sound makes the most of PS3.


The leaflets are instruction manual, flyer of the theme song, and FF14's campaign code.

You can get a secret item with this code after the launch of MMORPG Final Fantasy 14 in 2010. And you need this code to apply for the beta-test of FF14(PS3 version).

This is the disc.

Inside of the package features Lightning and her summon Odin.

We'll be posting videos soon.
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