A man who had an affair with an unmarried woman has stones thrown in his face until he dies.

(photo by

mharrsch )

In Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Somalia, and Nigeria, if you commit the crime of adultery or adultery, commonly known as zina , you may be sentenced to ` `stoning,' ' where stones are thrown at you until your last breath. In Somalia, a photo of a man who committed the crime of zina being stoned while being buried in a hole has been released, and it seems to be causing a problem.

Somalia is still in a civil war, and events like this seem to be happening on a daily basis.

*Please be careful when viewing this page as it contains extremely shocking content.

Details below.
Pictured: Islamic militants stone man to death for adultery in Somalia as villagers are forced to watch | Mail Online

According to this article, on December 13th, Mohamed Abukar Ibrahim (48 years old) was buried up to his chest in a hole in Afgoi, 20 km southwest of Somalia's capital Mogadishu, for having an affair with an unmarried woman. It is said that he was sentenced to death by having stones thrown at him.

The execution was carried out by Hizbul Islam, an armed group comparable to Somalia's most powerful Islamic group Al-Shabab , and a judge from Hizbul Islam gathered residents in the square and forced them to watch the punishment to the end. .

Before the stoning was carried out, a gunfight took place within the group over the verdict, resulting in a catastrophe in which three people were killed and five injured. Residents who claimed that they were ``just murderers'' were also shot dead. It seems that it has disappeared.

After the gunfight subsided, the stoning was carried out. Ibrahim said that the soldiers threw stones at him so much that the shape of his face changed, and he died as it was. On the other hand, because the woman he had an affair with was unmarried, he was sentenced to 100 lashes.

Where Ibrahim is buried.

I was buried up to my chest and couldn't move.

Soldiers throwing stones at unresisting opponents.

You can see the image without mosaic below. *Please be careful when viewing this photo as it is a very shocking photo.

drugoi: По законам шариата

According to the article below, it was reported that a 20-year-old woman who had an affair with a 29-year-old unmarried man was stoned to death by more than 200 al-Shabab soldiers last month, and incidents like this are commonplace in Somalia. It is thought that it is becoming .

BBC News : Somali woman stoned for adultery

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log