Will it become the final weapon to judge a massive amount of mail, Gmail exclusive keyboard "Gboard" is on sale

Google's webmail service "Gmail" is popular because it has free storage capacity of over 7 GB at the present time and flexible classification by labeling.

In addition, high operability is one of the attractions. A label for Google itself to paste on the keySometimes it was distributed free of chargeAboutFulfilling keyboard shortcutIs prepared, but a third party keypad "Gboard" for 120% utilization is released. Is not it a perfect item for those who collect mail like e-mails that must be reply through the eyes?

Details are below.

The size of an ordinary numeric keypad. According to the producer, "It is unnecessary for a driver of the latest OS" that it can connect with USB.

18 of 69 keyboard shortcuts are categorized by colorfully colored keys and icons.

The price is 19 dollars 99 cents (about 1790 yen, excluding tax). Before,We introduced a mouse dedicated to the operation of OpenOffice.org, an open source office suite at GIGAZINEHowever, when you develop web services, it is quite an interesting business model to produce and sell dedicated hardware together.

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log