The strongest beer of human history "tactical nuclear penguin" released in the UK
"Tentatively BeerAs the words say, beer has been popular as popular drinking liquor. Although consumption is depressed in recent years, the Beer party is still alive. Although beers with various individualities are still appearing in the world one after another, in beer brewery, "beer with a degree of alcohol that is dangerous if not drunk with a small amount", its name is also "tactical nuclear penguin (Tactical Nuclear Penguin) beer was made.
Details are below.
The World's Strongest Beer: Tactical Nuclear Penguin
Generally make fermented raw materials such as beer and wineBrewed alcoholAlcohol power ofDistilled liquorIt is about 15 to 20% roughly lower than. However, this "tactical nuclear penguin" is normalstoutFrozen beer at minus 20 degrees Celsius, using moisture difference to eliminate moisture and succeeded in raising alcohol degree to 32%. Tactics It seems that he named "Tactical Nuclear Penguin" by making beer with strength of nuclear strength at the temperature where the penguin lives.
This is the manager of BrewOne who is manufacturing "tactical nuclear penguin".
Tactical Nuclear Penguin on Vimeo
First of all, stout beer with alcohol degree of about 10% is laid in 2 barrels for 8 months each for a total of 16 months.
Then store it in a minus 20 degree storage.
To the splendid sherbet shape.
I sometimes freeze it while stirring.
Since the melting point of alcohol is lower than that of water, it can be separated without freezing.
Repeat this for 21 days and it will be completed.
James Watt, executive manager, says, "This beer boosted the limit of existing beer and evolved to a completely new level," but in the traditional English beer industry, it is criticized as "just a twisted propaganda strategy" There also seems to be. With only 500 books, the first 250 booksOne 35 pounds (about 5000 yen), The remaining 250 will be sold for 250 pounds (about 35700 yen) per set with BrewOne shares.
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