Headline news on November 9, 2009

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I think that some people are worried about what to send to the gifts they send to the boss and those who are indebted at the end of the year, but operated by NTT NaviSpacePotoraAs a result of conducting a questionnaire on gifts at the site "It seems that nearly 70% of respondents answered "I will not give my gifts".

I heard about gifts I was happy to receive, I heard that a type like a catalog gift like to be chosen by an opponent seems to be popular, so it is better to bother to make the breadth a certain extent without knowing the other's taste It seems.

Even if people who do not give gifts every year are also a catalog gift, it may be unnecessary to ask the other person's preference to listen to them, so occasionally it may be good to give gifts to those who are indebted.

So, tomorrowNovember 10. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on November 10th one year ago.

The results of the survey on the "otaku market", the size of doujinshi, figures, cosplay etc are hundreds of millions yen? - GIGAZINE

A wallet of about 18 million yen will be found from the wall of the bathroom, but the discovere makes a strange eye - GIGAZINE

Sister who will die when listening to noise, exercise done with Wii - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Tricks and countermeasures that black companies may use for dismissal | Kousyoublog(Measures to be taken in case of ordering leave at the same time as advance notice of work,

Nintendo is still standing stage, strategy rules are too different - Future Insight(game,Q & A session on Nintendo on 30th October 2009Because it is very interesting, it becomes various things when reading all)

Rakuten 's Meaning to Acquire "Edy" | Takafumi Horie Official Blog "Ameba Former President Working in Roppongi" by Ameba(It pointed out that business, livedoor has realized what was not possible one after another)

Women in the United States becoming increasingly unhappy JBpress (Japan Business Press)(It is interesting to explain the reason why an American woman feeling stress on a daily basis covers 80% of the whole)

【Emergency Breaking News】 Yuuki Kinoshita The swinging of the tits is cute erotic! : Alfalfa Mosaic - 2 Channels Summary Blog(Movie, ion CM etc etc)

Thinking about ways of agriculture from vegetable factory where cost reduction goes forward - keitaro-news(Food, plant vegetables that fundamentally change the form of agriculture so far will become the trump card to save Japan 's agriculture?

【2ch】 New speed quality: university fourth grade students who can not find jobs 120 thousand people! It is! It is! Is it going to get a job ice age?(Employment, collective interview seems to be the battlefield between general manager of sports clubs with over 100,000 human powers)

About the free encyclopedia "Wikipedia (Wikipedia)". Today, Makoto Raiko these days. / Web blog(Net,Interview with GIGAZINEMakoto Teruobu who is the author of "Golden Gash !!" complains to Wikipedia)

Akagi "Ship of" Hope ", Kukuku, it is a bad joke": Hamster preliminary bulletin(Story, if academy is in the world of kaiji)

IPhone I'd like to tell my first person a little things Working Mono News: Life VIP craftsman blog www(Mobile, advanced techniques such as "Do not use normally like" to become a function calculator when lying down "etc.)

What is different between people who have traveled in the past 3 years and who do not? : MarkeZine (Marketzine)(Memo, big open to the number of friends who can easily invite from yourself and meet)

"Automobile that passed the era" 7 selections | WIRED VISION(Vehicles, 4-door sedan "NSU Ro 80" with the world's first rotary engine, etc.)

The ownership rate of cars in their twenties is 46%. The reasons for not purchasing are "no need", "purchase / maintenance fee is high" - livedoor news(In the area where society and transportation facilities are in place, also the opinion that "There are separate means of transportation")

Soaring sugar, tea, cocoa: Nikkei Business Online(Tea has renewed its highest ever value due to production declines due to food, unseasonable weather etc.)

I tried arranging the characters of Dragon Ball in order of height: Busplestis Splendence(Movie, Kuririn is the same as Ikeno Midaka 150 cm)

VIPPER I: Everyone who started eating first like crab, shrimp and so on was just hungry(A memorandum that was forced to eat, such as "penalty game" or "sinner tried and eaten" was also commented)

Which animation do you think is "I am glad that you cut in one episode?" - you must be(Anime, "Hyakko" "Haruhi" "Ghost" - Zero - ")

The first "space hotel" of humanity! YUKASEE MEDIA (Yukashimedia) | Comprehensive information site to stimulate the highest grade(Note, there are already many inquiries, 43 people have completed reservation)

Fisler, starting orders for 42 million yen pot with diamonds and gold | YUCASEE MEDIA (Yukashimedia) | Comprehensive information site to stimulate the highest grade(Note, courage is necessary to fire the expensive pan up to here)

One minute's usage is a game! How to make delicious tea "5 cloves" - Tokyo Walker(If you make a delicious tea, one tea bag per 200 cups (principle) per cup (200 ml))

Girls' behavior that feels like "It's time to close" 9 patterns | Sgororen(Love, "Be aware that before you get there" is also a thriller)

IPod touch VS Walkman A 840 at the summit of portable player Battle to Yamada - Digital - Nikkei Trendy Net(Hardware, the iPod is higher on the sales volume, users focusing on sound quality are concentrating on the walkman)

V.a. (Western Music): MTV Europe Awards, Beyoncé 3 Crown / BARKS News(Music, her husband Jay · Z is also chosen as the best urban artist)

"Good couple 川 柳 2009" announcement, Grand Prize "Fighting but still fighting in the bath" news - Oricon ranking of net securities · car insurance(Memo, Osamu Suzuki · Miyuki Oshima of Mori Sanncha received "Partner of the Year 2009")

Corresponds to the new "iPhone", GSM / UMTS and CDMA - AppleInsider coverage: News Clip - CNET Japan(Mobile will be equipped with a smaller 2.8 inch screen than the current model and will appear in the third quarter of 2010)

40% of Germans, gifts for high-tech products on Christmas - INTERNET Watch(Overseas, 70% in the age group under 30)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Nako Sakai convicted of convictions imprisonment 1 year 6 months execution suspended 3 years - society(The reason why it was decided to have a trial and suspended execution is "I am considering a divorce with a husband who recommended a stimulant drug and I am also receiving social sanctions that I am already dismissed from entertainment production")

Ichihashi suspects as "Inoue / Kosuke": Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Society, my boss and colleagues did not notice because I had already appointed a pseudonym after finishing plastic surgery already)

Makoto Biz.ID: Reading in Famous Words "Readers' Reading Requests": If you want to maintain relationships with people on the fly, faithful to those who are not(Note, I think people listening to people rumors behind the scenes would be done the same unless there was them either)

Baseball journalist test 2009(Memo, people who aim for their sportswriter debut seems better)

October mobile subscribers, SoftBank keeps the number one net increase, au struggle ~ TCA summary: RBB TODAY (Broadband information site) 2009/11/09(Mobile and mobile phone companies posted a net increase more than the previous month but overall somewhat weak)

The total weight is five times the Titanic, and the world's largest luxury passenger vessel capable of accommodating more than 6,300 people. | Narinari.com(Overseas, from 1299 dollars (about 117,500 yen) to 4829 dollars (about 437,000 yen) on a cruise of 7 nights and 8 nights)

Waka that Hikone is said to be the sacred place of Yuru character | Plan of Shigoto(Memo, it seems that influence of "Hiko ni" is still big)

Length world's best! Challenge making 100 meters of winding | Nittele NEWS 24(Food, the record up to now, about 9 meters above the 91 meters 40 centimeters)

Male smoking rate in 2008 decreased by 10 points in the past at least 5 years - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)(Social, male smoking rate is 36.8%, women's smoking rate is 9.1%)

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Headline news on November 6, 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log