Headline news on June 9, 2009

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:38 Jun 09, 2009, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Net research companies ·Net AsiaExamined 800 mobile phone users "Awareness survey on mobile e-commerceAccording to ", 60.5% of 396 people who have used shopping from mobile devices actually answered" more than 5 times ", which shows that they are strongly penetrated.

38.6% answered "No comparison" to the question as to how many sites to compare to compare prices. On the average of the whole, it was 1.7 sites and it turned out to be fairly easy to enjoy shopping.

So, tomorrowJune 10. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on June 10th one year ago.

To frustrated colleagues sitting on balance ball as chairs like Google Google - GIGAZINE

A courageous traffic control officer taking a police car parking gang will be filmed - GIGAZINE

Reproduce one scene of the game with Lego block - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Shinobiyoru foreign capital, blind spot of the forestry boom: Nikkei Business Online(Foreign investment is reaching out for land, targeting forestry where economy, risk is not so profitable)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): relabel corporation with "Love Ho break fee" "religious corporation" 1.4 billion income hidden - society(It was said that 20% of the social and accommodation fee of 5,500 yen was devoted to the offer)

The case that Akihabara finished in earnest: VIPPER I(People seeking the former appearance in Akihabara converted into land, business district, sightseeing spot)

Prime Minister Putin, putting out the pen Trembling the President of Zaozhou 6 photos International News: AFPBB News(International power, Prime Minister Putin 's eye power who got into the factory where labor problems frequently occurred and exchanged management)

One year since the Akihabara indiscriminate killing incident A massacre accusing flowers - Akiba Blog(Will it be said that it is true coverage to make a "picture" by press coverage?)

An image that makes me miss the summer can kana speed(The season, a ruining day will continue for a while for the rainy season)

How long does the science-based graduate student in the US do tasks? - Ockham's Razor for Engineers(Study, it seems necessary to process a considerable amount of notes and resume)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Intelligence Activities to the former Soviet Union etc., obviously by the publication Official Land Officers - Society(Sonoko OB who was engaged in intelligence activities in the former communist area as a member of society, "Landscape 2 Part 2" published a note)

Before breaking ...: The pirate party came!(Politics, literally "Pirate Party" which supports pirated edition in Sweden gets seats with a vote rate of 7.4%)

Hiko's first overseas expedition Participate in a parade in Hawaii - MSN Sankei News(Friendship, the descendant of Admiral Perry invited by Hikone city at the "Japan-US Cooperation Agreement on Treaty of Treaty" was a resident who lived in Honolulu City, and Hiko was invited to the parade)

All Japan Call Championship with Miura Jun(Culture, a DVD that collects calls on calls for drinking)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): China is the world's second largest military power and Japan ranks 7th - International(Expenditure is on the rise due to political, labor costs increase and high-tech design of equipment)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Workers' accident in "heart diseases", the worst 269 people in the past 2008 - Society(As society and companies accelerate workforce reductions, the burden on the remaining people becomes heavier and it seems that they lead to chronic long-term work)

Linear '1 prefecture 1 station' officially announced President of JR Tokai (1/2 page) - MSN Sankei News(Transportation, About Linear Shinkansen aiming to open between Tokyo and Nagoya in Heisei 37)

Suddenly searching for Japanese father in Thailand, "Keigo" coverage triggered: International: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(International, the purpose of seeking fathers varies from "I want you to hold me" to "Education bill")

2009 Q1 US online advertising, sales down 5% to $ 5.5 billion: ITpro(Economy, being told that being influenced by the economy is becoming established in general)

Makoto Business: I can not lend it anymore. Consumer finance stakeholders just "sigh"(If the total amount regulation is introduced based on the economic and revised Money Lending Business Law, additional loans can not be made to customers whose total loans exceeds one-third of the annual income)

Deep-fried is easy, yet deep. : Alfalfa mosaic(Cooking, clothes · flavor · people who stick to this even for fried way)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): 50th anniversary of Maltai's stick ramen, Cup Ramen released - business · economy(Cup Ramen "50th Anniversary Cup · Martai Ramen" which was brought closer to the taste of the original stick ramen, after the 50 th anniversary of main stick rod noodles was released on the 8th, nationwide released)

New landmark in Kyoto! I went to 'cafe tea detective' Excite news(Coffee shop full of detective motifs by sightseeing, film director Forest Hydroearthquest)

Norika Fujiwara: Kimura Takuya and "Mayu Miyato" to 1st place "Sorryful Mayu" is a friend, Matsunega - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Culture, "The reason why Mayu was disappointing person" was the reason why it was "making it too thin", "the impression of Mayu is too strong" etc.)

We are angels! : Ikemen Actor appointed legendary drama for the first time in 30 years Resurrection Akira Onodera also appeared (Mantan web) - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(An entertainment, an action comedy that challenges hardships with the aim of getting rich money with the word "just losing luck" as the word)

Stop it! Suzato High School Calligraphy Department: Calligraphy Manga cooperation with Takeda Sotoku NHK will be dramatized from January next year (Muntan WEB) - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Hideo Mochizuki, a heroine who has a skill in second place in performing arts and judo, Aki Asakura who appeared as a new nurse in the drama "God Hand Teru"

Tamori for the first time in 32 years "No title without sounds" Yosuke Yamashita and "Co-starring" (1/2 page) - MSN Sankei News(Tamori with a deep relationship appeared in accordance with the appearance of culture, jazz pianist Yosuke Yosuke)

Face similar to security camera, narrow down in 1 second ... Start experiment in Akihabara: Science: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Science, if you designate a face you want to find, you can narrow down the one with similar faces in about 1 second if about 10,000 images)

Completion OS X Snow Leopard. Required capacity is halved(IT, the function was almost the same and succeeded in dropping the capacity by nearly 6 GB)

Mizuki Nana, first voice of the first Oricon - Performing Arts - SANSPO.COM(Entertainment, first prize of voice actor is the first in Oricon's 41-year history)

Once you have the book you have, you can search the contents of the book with Google(If you have scanned it online, you can use the search function as a collection database)

"Evolution of altruistic behavior in battle": Analysis with computer model | WIRED VISION(Evolution, altruistic action was necessary to enhance the possibility that the group to which they belong won the battle)

Use "D drive" to permanently expel "C" malfunction: discard waste of C drive lightly! fast!(IT, if there are many people who have not used it outside the office)

Even without experience of electronic work, the time has come when anyone can make their own hardware! : Akiyan.com(DIY, interfaces such as language to control hardware are being developed)

A graph of unemployment rate and income which you can see that studying is important: Garbagenews.com(Economy, in the United States there is strong correlation between academic background and unemployment rate)

【Tsushima is dangerous! 】 Naturalized in Korean men at marine own facilities mysterious behavior (1/2 pages) - MSN Sankei News(It seems that something like entering and going into society, Self Defense Force related facilities and wrote various notes)

Historic woman: Historical ruins crowded during rapid increase Book and goods also performed well "Rebound of herbivorous boys" every day jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Memo,StageizationDevelop marketing for women such asSengoku BasaraIs it the effect of)

"Fans are noisy in idle state"(Copipe, famous "Is the membership card rice cake"Variation of)

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Headline news on 8th June 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log