Headline news on November 14, 2008

There are people in the world who are called "second women" who can not become "favorite" of their favorite people,Understanding the person who can easily fall into the "second woman"It seems.

Those who are below the position where the end point of the brain line divides into two equal parts seems to be a type of person who is very passionate and long lasting love affair, but below the position where the end point divided equally into halves like the picture above, the brain In the case where the tip of the line is branched finely, it seems that there is a tendency that peripheral things tend to disappear when falling in love, and it tends to fall into the second woman.

Whoever knows something, try seeing the left hand once and see.

So, next MondayNovember 17. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on November 17th one year ago.

Movie to remodel water gun to flame radiator - GIGAZINE

A miserable accident happened in a car with paint - GIGAZINE

Kit cut Melting luxury Uji Green tea bean paste - I ate the apple of the season - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Seven Trivia of "Windows 7" - Small grain but anxious features: Special Report - CNET Japan(Software, in this, "Battery operation time and improvement of DVD playback" are concerned)

Eye robot, entrance model of cleaning robot "Rumba", at 50,000 yen level: News - CNET Japan(We lowered the price by omitting household appliances, automatic charging machines, etc.)

Accelerated notebook PC "Eco revolution" steadily arriving at the backlight: News - CNET Japan(It seems that PC and LED mounted panels can reduce thickness by half and power consumption can be reduced to about one third)

Ikawa "3A All Star" elected: MLB: Sports report(Baseball, will it become a foothold to go up to the major?)

Mobile handsets, 70% are not conscious of replacement. Price sharpness - Eye sharing research(Mobile, the first reason for not thinking about model change is "because the model of the current model is liked" and "because the price is high" is second place)

Taiba for the first time in 20 years Friday · Chinatown - Entertainment News: nikkansports.com(Entertainment, depart again after passing through a series of slapstick play with Mr. Koza)

Near the details of "Windows 7" - From installation to interface usability: Special Report - CNET Japan(Software, installation time is about 15 minutes and it seems to be rather short)

What is the difference between cappuccino, caffe latte and cafe mocha? Illustrates ingredients of coffee drinks - Zope Junkie diary(Illustration, illustrations to illustrate quantities)

【Mr. G】 Practice technique that did not put out cockroaches for six years home - aeroplane -(Explain defensive measures from two points of life, "Do not raise" or "Do not put in the house")

"Are you going to live by yourself?" Anan's feature is too heavy! : Saizo Woman(Memo, the content of the interview that Masahiro Nakai starred "I want to become a shellfish" advertisement)

Zapparasu President Sugiyama talks about mobilizing mobile phone site - latest news: IT-PLUS(Memo, the fortunetelling site which I thought was considerably infiltrated and stagnant was still growing)

"Consideration to pay, writers who are losing" - Commercialization, spread and issues of departure from "Nico Douga" - ITmedia News(Internet service, enthusiasm to continue to commercialize popular works in the future)

Communication problems in the workplace - TechTarget Japan(Think about general communication in the workplace while giving examples of memos and miscommunication)

Business Media Makoto: "You can choose your favorite shop" "Adjustment capability is acquired" - Benefits of organizing a drinking party(Note, others "Points can be attached to your card" etc.)

Walking works for chocolate poisoning - UK University - ITmedia News(Memo, "Subjects reported" Desire to eat chocolate was weaker than after break ")

"We are in trouble, we" - Rakuten, Medical sales continue to be requested signature activity - ITmedia News(Memo, against the revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Act scheduled to come into effect next April)

12.25 million pixels with mobile camera Sony, industry's most pixel CMOS sensor - ITmedia News(Mobile, high enough resolution comparable to high-end class digital camera)

"I'm going to throw into soap" ... arresting boys who tried to collect gifts that contributed - incident news: Isa!(Extortion, things that contribute are to men)

Even if you are reborn, will you choose your current partner? "Yes" not reaching 40% ... - MSN Sankei News(Memo, people who do not have children tend to think that they are "couple husband")

Record China: National-class protected animals kept as a cat ... - Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region(Animals began to think that the sheep they were eating was killed and it was strange)

"Aso Man arrest case" Kamei Shizuka, voice from "Mr. Suzuki Muneo" "Opposed!"(The police pointed out that "Information given by the power side can not be backed up, so it has to be put out as it is")

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Brazilian Jet Unveiling JAL Introduced in Japan - Business(Airplane, 10 aircraft introduced by the end of 2010)

A mystery of one leg floating near Vancouver, the seventh international news found: AFPBB News(Incident, one case of human beings are discovered one after another since August 2007)

Keio University integrates 100 servers into 12 with VMware deployment - @ IT(Server, installation area is reduced to one third)

J-CAST News: Increase Advertisement from Media Toyota Okuda Effect of "Retaliation Declaration"(Program, sponsored survey result of each program)

J-CAST News: Does Komazawa University make a loss of 11 billion yen in financial futures trading?(University, truth is unknown)

Hatena bookmarks are expected as a "weak crutch" that enables enlightening "conversation" with ignorant weak people subsuming as ignorant weak. (Read "Hatred Negative Hatena or To Umeda Mioo)" - Annex: Post-Human Magician(Community, pointed out that it is a blogger, not a hatena bookmarker to change) and consideration)

"Maid cafe" boom seems to have ended: Alfalfa mosaic(Fashion, "Facts that multiple maid cafes are closed")

REALTOKYO | Column | Out of Tokyo | 198: Chim ↑ Pom Canceled exhibition(What is the difference between art, permissible and unforgivable)

【Korea】 Selling Japanese original cartoon to Hollywood without consent of the publisher world wide (; ゜ Д ゜)(The copyright, reaction confirmed to Futaba, which owns the copyright of the original manga, "the reaction of a completely new ear")

When Aztecs and Incas came to the Spanish army, did they feel like this?(Community, erosion of real society)

Alpaca Allows anything to see: Alfalfa mosaic(Animals are not cowardly cute)

Google's SEO Starter Guide Translation - Social Media Marketing SMM.jp(It can be used as net, Google search engine optimization manual)

Back side hidden behind the Hollywood stars came to Japan, thorough dissection! - Hollywood channel speaking of the movies -(You can see well what kind of things money and labor are required for movies)

Takako Doi Disbursement due to libelous loss Order Kobe District Court Amagasaki Branch - MSN Sankei News(Politics, apologizing advertisement placement request rejected)

Tsukushi's "News 23" ends in March next year - Entertainment News: nikkansports.com(Broadcasting, the end of the program was being considered inside the company before Mr. Chikushi retired)

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Headline news on 13th November 2008 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log