Headline news on October 07, 2008

Ferrari official recognition liquid crystal display from Japan Acer "F-22 bid"Was released. It was jointly developed with the Ferrari design team, and there are Ferrari logos and marks on the lower part of the front panel and the back, and Ferrari Red "Rosso Corsa color" and elegant back design seems to be designed to push the Ferrari forward to the front . The plate with the serial number printed on the back of the main unit is also attached, and it is said that it is becoming specification full of premium feeling.

The price is around 40,000 yen. If it says "It's Ferrari at home" like a liquid crystal display rich in design and practicality, it may be a little boast.

So, tomorrowOctober 8. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on October 8th one year ago.

In Australia there are moths with a taste of popcorn - GIGAZINE

Pictures that men and women challenge to coalesce on a railing of a bridge - GIGAZINE

A beautiful and delicate microscopic world world contest "Nikon Small World" - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Blogger must-see! 12 and 1/2 rules for improving sentences | Life hacking.jp(Blog, 12 basic attitudes for writing blogs and extra)

The reason for baling is the same for all three - Chikirin's diary(What is the common reason for memo, food camouflage · problem of the Bureau of Agency, issue of sumo wrestling, and maturity ...)

J-CAST's hidden "property": ITpro(Management strategy, what is the strength of area targeting patents owned by J-CAST)

【2ch】 New speed quality: I often hear that the topic of poor life "I got a bread bread at a bakery"(Note, from the story of whether he really gets the bread's eyes, to the story of the bamboomi dish)

Real estate agent does not teach, important points to know about surrounding security - Automatons Hacking Guide(Housing, expect to see what kind of place the area looks by looking at a rental video shop in the neighborhood)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Linear Shinkansen "Route directly under the Southern Alps" JR Tokai policy - Business(If it is completed, it seems to connect between Tokyo and Nagoya in 40 to 50 minutes which is half of the bullet train)

Prime Minister Putin also showcases Judo DVD backwards - MSN Sankei News(Memo, Mr. Yasuhiro Yamashita and Mr. Yasuo Inoue have also appeared, he seems to have been instructing President Putin)

Rambus Q: It's like another planet ... Darol volcano of Ethiopia(Memo, photo of unusual scenery variously)

"Girls girls" aiming at the video game industry - ITmedia News(Game, "How do women spend more time and money on games?")

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun company): Aeon, closing store 60 to about 50 plus the previous plan - business(The main reason is that sales of highly profitable clothing items have declined greatly)

J-CAST News: Choi Jin-sil "Internet slander suicide" introduced as a trigger Introduction of "cyber contempt" in Korea(South Korea, although there are many opinions that authorities can investigate without complaint and strengthen penalties, the opposition opposes)

Teenager in the United States where cyber bullying is becoming everyday - UCLA survey - ITmedia News(The Internet, 3 out of 4 children of 12 to 17 years old have experienced net bullying in the past year and have become routine)

Mobile videos released in 30 minutes played 10,000 times, behind the scenes of Mobage Live Chat: Mobile Channel - CNET Japan(It closely adheres to the last day of "comedy" corner of mobile, Mobagetown)

TBS: ABC of the United States filed suit against "Takeshi Castle Pakuri" - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shinbun)(TV, there seems to be many similar programs in addition)

"Sukiya" excludes "Yoshinoya" Top 1087 stores - MSN Sankei News(Food service industry, breaking the figure of "beef bowl = male" and pioneering new customers)

Lessons learned to survive in-house politics 10 items - 10 secrets surrounding the IT industry - ZDNet Japan(Society, basically an extension line of keeping good relations with others)

Net shopping annual use amount tripled in 5 years - Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications survey: News - CNET Japan(Note, the percentage of net shopping in the total annual expenditure totaled 0.9%, approaching 10% line)

Female junior high school student, died doctor and formal nurse after the chest plastic surgery Sending documents - MSN Sankei News(Memo, there are cases that I died after liposuction surgery in the past, and it shows the sloppiness of postoperative observation)

Portable ashtray owned by 90% of smokers: Marketing - CNET Japan(I did not know that smoking, people who litter it stand out or not, so much)

Half or more are conducting access analysis and are no longer essential / Your company is above average? Web College Survey 2008 | Web Contact Forum(Note, but about 17% of companies conducting regularly)

A naked Spanish man swimming at the moat of the Imperial Palace (1 / 2page) - MSN Sankei News(It seems that he entered to take a note, a lost thing in the moat)

The winning bid is doubled?! Auction shooting Five basic(It seems to be useful not only for auctions, auctions but also for blogs etc.)

Keitai 3 Carrier users, what is the most important thing to design? - ITmedia + D Mobile(Many people sticking to the design property in mobile, 20% places importance on designability to 43%)

Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): NHK Receiving Fee Dunning, Appeal to Expand to "Ten Thousand Units" - Society(Broader, more strong attitude towards cleanup of unfairness)

"Hatsune Miku Night" is Sapporo President Ito is a guest - ITmedia News(Note, I am currently recruiting questions to President Ito)

Keyword search in 3 seconds from 2000 hour recording data Hitachi's new technology - ITmedia News(Note, matching the recorded phonemic symbols of the recorded data and the keyword, searching at high speed, checking each "voice feature amount" and precisely re-searching)

Skype answers questions about chat monitoring problems in China - ITmedia News(Monitoring is inevitable in China and China, and it is said that we will continue to monitor it in the future)

DoCoMo strong, au's CDMA 1X contract exceeded 30 million ─ ─ September subscriptions - ITmedia + D Mobile(Mobile and DoCoMo's net contract increase for September is 129,700 contracts, which greatly exceeds August)

DOCOMO's "P906i" "F906i" malfunctions, software update start(Automatic update function is installed in mobile and both models, it seems that rewrite processing will be executed at 3 am by default)

Capcom, Wii Wear "Rockman 9 Ambition Revival !!". Deliver additional content such as "Blues mode"(Game, other 'endless attack' will be distributed)

The number of "autorun" detection that abuses USB memory is maximized, Trend Micro - japan.internet.com Web technology(Will it be easy to infect with security, data delivery)

What is most enjoyable in life from 20's to 30's? - Worldwide survey of MTV | Life | My comic journal(Memo, 25 to 34 years of age who feel "life is fun" are 24% higher than teenagers)

Forest of Window - 【NEWS】 Free masterpiece action game "Cave story" will be released overseas as Wii wear(You can still play for free even if it is a game or PC)

Sudden infant death syndrome, effects of electric fan on prevention = rice survey | global speech | Reuters(Health, it seems that the risk is reduced by 72% if you put a fan on it)

CNN.co.jp: a giant pumpkin contest, 697 kilometers of a Canadian farmer wins(Note, I'm curious about how I brought it)

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Headline news on 6th October 2008 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log