Mario made of LEGO with a height of 180 cm is on sale at the Internet auction

A huge Mario made of Lego with a height of 180 cm at the Internet auction site "eBay" is on sale.

Although it is large and the price is set high, it may become treasure for mania.

Details are from the following.
Grootste Lego - Mario ter wereld 180 cm - eBay, Speciale acties, Al het andere .... (Eindtijd 02 - nov - 09 10: 43: 59 CET)

Game Mania

This is the huge LEGO · Mario that is sold on "eBay". The height is 180 cm including the base. A total of 40,000 Legos are used and it seems that there are as much as 50 kg.

It looks like he is making a huge LEGO · Mario.

The foot part is completed.

Continue to make legs and hands. Since there is no place to support the part of the hand, I try not to fall down using the foundation newly.

The inside is hollow.

Completed up to the chest.

Finally I will make a face.

Completion coming soon. Compared with humans, you can see how big it is.

It was completed in two weeks after I started making it.

At the start of the auction, it was 2,500 euros (about 340,000 yen), but now it has risen to 3000 euros (about 410 thousand yen). It is about 6 days remaining until the auction end time, but how much does the price go up?

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log