Xbox 360 Elite is already showing on eBay

In the United StatesNew Xbox planned to be released on April 29People who obtained one week earlier have sent on eBay. The end time is PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) at 1:06 am on April 21, but the price is now 5,100 dollars (about 600,000 yen) at the current time. Although it is considerable flying get, is it real?

Details are as below.
EBay: Xbox 360 Elite - AVAILABLE NOW! New Factory Sealed!

There is also a product bar code.

Estimated size of the box also.

With receipt. Although it is few in Japan that will attach receipts at flying sales.

Some people are getting 2 pieces. This is currently 520 dollars (about 60,000 yen).

EBay: Brand New Sealed In Hand Xbox 360 Elite !! 1 WEEK EARLY!

The receipt is also on the photograph here.


in Note,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log