31 ft. Giant Floating Rubber Duck swimming in Osaka City Canal

AQUA METROPOLIS OSAKA 2009, the municipal event to familiarize its image as the "City of Waterways" is now held until Oct. 12. As a highlight of the festival, a giant rubber duck was brought to the site.
The duck had been inflated near Tenmabashi bridge and towed to Namura shipyard to attend a contemporary art event "NAMURA ART MEETING" held on Oct. 3 and 4.
Here are some pics from the duck's last day in Osaka.
Rubber Duck Project 2009
Arrived in the evening.

Creative Center Osaka, build at former Namura Shipyard.

Some live performance was held at the site.

The duck was made by Dutch artist F. Hoffman.

Here's our video.
YouTube - An Giant Rubber Duck Floating in the dark
Compare its size to the people in front of it.

Getting closer.
YouTube - An Giant Rubber Duck Floating in the dark 02

The artist's website says there are even larger siblings.

From back.

you can see its vent from here.

Looks like a camouflaged battleship waiting for its sortie.

An art ship "Lucky Dragon" was also exhibited at the site.

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