An eleven year old boy found a pink grasshopper

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Speaking of grasshoppers, it is green, but an 11-year-old boy in England seems to have found a pink grasshopper. Although he seemed to think that the boy who found it initially thought it was a flower or something, he noticed that it was not a flower because it moved, and was surprised because it was a grasshopper when she caught it.

Details are as below.
11-year-old boy finds pink grasshopper - Telegraph

Daniel Tate (11) found a pink lump when he was trying to capture the grasshopper. "I thought that it was a flower at first, but I tried to catch it because I saw moving," Daniel said, "I knew it was a jump since I jumped," and "Nobody ever got pink in this place I heard that I have never found a grasshopper and I am very excited. "

This is Daniel 's caught pink female butter.

"There are millions of grasshoppers but we have never seen a pink grasshopper, and female grasshoppers are brown or dark green, sometimes purplish on the purplish color, even though they change color, sometimes purple It is about color, the grasshopper's pink color exceeds that level, "he says.

According to Mr. Rush, the pink grasshopper is unusual but it is not without precedent. It seems that it does not seem to have occurred due to mutation or the influence of the environment, it seems that there is possibility that a gene of pink color has already been inherited by reproduction.

This pink grasshopper seems to have been returned to nature after a series of research.

in Creature, Posted by logc_nt