Sony Corresponds to 3D Stereoscopic Video for All Our Products such as BRAVIA, PS 3, VAIO

Starting with the LCD TV "BRAVIA", Sony has revealed that there is a possibility that PS3, VAIO and other proprietary products will correspond to 3D stereoscopic images.

Also, it is expected to make official announcement soon.

Details are as below. / Technology - Sony to throw its weight behind 3D TV

According to this article, Sony intends to release the latest model of LCD TV "BRAVIA" compatible with 3D stereoscopic images by the end of 2010, and it is said that it is expected that official announcement will be made on Wednesday local time.

this isMovie "Avatar" to be released at the end of 2009And 3D stereoscopic images will be released to the public and that 3D 3D satellite broadcasting services will be launched in the UK next year.

In addition, according to Howard Stringer, Sony's chief executive officer at the IFA technology exhibition in Berlin, not only BRAVIA but also products such as VAIO and PS 3 will be compatible with 3D stereoscopic images, Blu- Ray players and others will also be on sale.

Regarding technology for displaying 3D stereoscopic images, standards have not been formulated in the consumer electronics industry, but we have selected the technology "active shutter" that uses special glasses equipped with what is called a liquid crystal shutter ,from now onPanasonic employing similar technologyIt seems that standardization will progress with such as.

By the way, the screen of the theater corresponding to 3D stereoscopic video is predicted to reach 7000 in the world at the end of 2009, and it is expected to grow to 9 times the number three years ago.

in Note,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log