[Flashing News]Two Ingame Video of FINAL FANTASY XIV(FF14) now on public

FINAL FANTASY XIV(FF14), a big surprise at E3 exhibition brought another surprise to GamesCom now going in Germany. Some ingame video and working demo are exhibited at Square Enix's booth.
It's an alpha version, so it's quite different from the game to be released. But still it tells you atmosphere.
Read on for detail.
The field view of FINAL FANTASY XIV. Proceed to
Final Fantasy XIV Gamescom Off Screen Gameplay Video from GameVideos.

Bird-like monsters.

Bracing a bow.



Seems there are plenty of magic spells.

Here's the 2nd video.
Final Fantasy XIV Gamescom Off Screen Gameplay 2 Video from GameVideos

Teleported to somewhere.

Graphic is nice and the setting seems good. The video does make us wonder when the Beta test will begin. The game will be released in 2010 and beta test will start somewhere before it.
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