Headline news on 30th June 2009

Dr. Ceri Lab of cosmetics / health food businessWe conducted a questionnaire survey on "makeup for women"According to the place, in response to the question "When you meet a woman and meet a man, do you change your make-up?", 42.9% of women answered "changing" in their teens and 4.5% in their 50s It is a result that it seems that the consciousness to the opposite sex is diminished.

Also, as for the question of where the most place to put power in makeup, when it is by age, "stain spot hiding" is 7.1% in the teenager, while "50% of the stain spot hiding" is in the 50's It seems that there is a tendency that measures are focused intensively on places where aging is felt as age increases.

So, tomorrowJuly 1. On 1 July one year ago GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

Dog that lifts with professional-looking ball keeping power - GIGAZINE

Lego crossbows that can shoot a Lego block - GIGAZINE

Eleven foods that are effective for lifestyle-related diseases - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Takeison-siesta: Guidelines for Independent Informationists (20090629)(Internet, individualsMiddle mediaIt is necessary to minimize the influence of stakeholders such as fund sponsor in order to call it)

Indicator of this week No. 926 On the fluctuation of unemployment in recent years(Statistics, irony statistics showing that dispatched labor, which seemed to have realized "free labor" by reducing demand-supply mismatch, is a major cause of recent demand shortage)

The power of automatic image supplement technology based on enormous images on the Web - A Successful Failure(Technique that searches images on the net and composes it by fully specifying the part where the things you want to erase on the photograph, and corrects the photo in full) Technology that will no longer know what to believe any longer

[Job hunting without using Rikunabi 2011](A site that summarizes information that can not be found on jobs, major employment support sites)

It seems that someone who did acrobatic suicide has come out again. In Fukuoka. - Diary of orangestar(Society, after killing the neck, I walked by myself to open the lid of the trunk, lying in the trunk by himself an acrobatic suicide occurred)

Bloomberg / intensive investment ... escape place lose fund "Correlation coefficient" to the highest record level - FujiSankei Business i./Bloomberg GLOBAL FINANCE(Economy, when various markets show the same trend, it becomes meaningless to disperse risks)

Would you put a space between Japanese and Western? | Okumura's Blog(It seems that there was a custom in which letters and quarter horns were put in the printing industry)

Monthly 840 yen! The "economics of celebrity blog" seen in charging blog of Aragaki Yui daily saizo(Whether it can be a way to monetize blogs after net, novelization)

[Asset public] Television appearance, proceeding to become a talent of more than 100 lawmakers? - MSN Sankei News(Politics, 109 people who are about 15% of all members of the Diet, have found that they are reporting fee for TV program etc.)

Three tips to make Carbonara delicious - T / O(Recipes for which you can cook ribbons using cooking, whole eggs and powdered cheese)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Stop carrying bicycles as they are Capital region railway company posters - Society(It is a cause of congestion that bringing in a bicycle other than folding society as it is)

After Ricoh's business improvement "TTY" written three years ago after that: ITpro(Economy, TTY is a coined word meaning "Why" comes after "what")

Economic recession and wages: a quiet American JBpress (Japan Business Press)(Organizations, some organizations prefer to dismiss a small number of people because the morale of the workplace drops as wage cuts are cut)

School that emphasizes vocational education ... By neat countermeasure Nakao trial: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Is education and vocational training really effective in reducing the turnover rate really?)

Accident can not be prevented by JR West Japan 's human error mistake research "spotlight - ITmedia News(This research tackling quantification of science and human error is contemporaryHawthorn experimentIs not it possible to say?)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Embezzlement of managed apartment repair reserve fund management company successive - Society(Economy, since 2003, only the grasp of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 127 properties, total damage amount is about 1.2 billion yen)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Chuo University big blog, staff alleged alteration "Event canceled" and a lie - Society(Suspicion that confused the writing on the blog "Canceling the event due to the girls studied who were killed in 2008)

President Jiang Zemin and his wife in a collision accident train - MSN Sankei News(It seems that secretary in charge of this schedule seems to have been detained by public security authorities in international, "President Jiang Zemin was in the accident")

40 reasons why Japanese are flimsy Muzzles(International, values ​​of human beings are determined by clothing · People are not handled equally at all) Foreigners pointed out the thinness of Japanese people)

Twelve brawls in Ehime, police officers menace fire and shooting - Social news: nikkansports.com(About 10 men and 20 men in their twenties who were collectively running in society, motorbikes, etc. had trouble overtaking the overtaking)

"The cause of suicide is power hurd" The bereaved families of Sagawa Kyubin employees apply for workers compensation (1/3 page) - MSN Sankei News(The society, the boss who was doing power hara seems to have been harassing other people)

NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): DIC integrates Dai Nippon Printing and domestic printing ink In October a new company(Restructuring of related industries is starting to move due to economic and print demand decrease)

Government Investment into Elpida Public Funds Investment (1 / 2pages) - MSN Sankei News(Because it is also the only manufacturer in the domestic market as economy and DRAM specialty, the influence on other companies will become big)

City drama and same name "Nuisance": Tokyo 23 wards: Region: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(TV, happened to overlap or coincidentally)

First place is a corps led by Harvard MBA. Hedge fund ranking 100 | The topic of money of wealthy people who can read in "one and half minutes" | Diamond Online(Spectacular ranking with economic and asset total over 1 trillion yen)

U.S. huge fraud fund: 150 years imprisoned by Madoff - NY federal district court ruling - everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(The tremendous ruling against the boss of an extra-large Rodymaco Fund with an economic damage totaling about 1.20 trillion yen)

Must-see! How to cook with her how to cook! - Concave lens ~ Diary without coherency ~(Cooking, tips for getting to the assistant a while ago before going well)

Natalie - Pervert! Ani wata! Full Face! Hormonal custom "Hell picture"(Live this year with severe admission conditions such as entertainment, full face helmet and cosplay etc)

Stagnation of novel magazines, breakthrough with bags "Nude + Tanka" New axis (1/2 page) - MSN Sankei News(Literature, a new attempt to collaborate nude and tanka in the July issue of "Novel Subaru")

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): middle 3, arrested for suspecting that the garbage box in the class was broken Ibaraki - Society(Society, suspected that I entered another classroom without taking classes, killed a desk, etc. and destroyed one trash can (equivalent to 1,000 yen))

The next boom is a European beautiful girl!? Cameraman of "Bishoujo Travel" talks about the appeal of the blue eyed girl - Men's Saizo(Entertainment, Leah Dizon retires due to pregnancy & marriage)

Female psychiatrist fights in patient's brain Bloodshed horror FPS "Dreamkiller" announced - Game * Spark(Game, psychedelic enemies come out just for battle in the spirit world)

Creating "Mobagetown" - TechTarget Japan(Secret of the load balancing system handling 600 million PV per day on the net, 1000 servers)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): National public servant bonus, 8.9% reduction Prime Minister to 4,380,000 yen - Society(I decided to cut this year's bonus on the grounds that there are few social and private bonuses)

Apple Jobs to return to work at part time - IBTimes (Ivy Times)(IT, I got back to work at work at a pace of several days in a week after a medical leave for about 6 months)

U.S. troops stationed in Iraq withdraw from urban areas, uncertainty in restoring sovereignty | Reuters(Iraqi police and security forces are responsible for international authority to maintain security in Iraq in the future, the end of the war has come close in a real sense)

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Headline news on 29th June 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log