Headline news on 27th April 2009

"Cup Noodle My Range Time" series will be released from Nissin Foods from May 11th. Two kinds of taste "cream-like clam chowder" and "minestrone". The My Range series turns into "hardened noodles with sour soup" depending on the heating time of the range, becoming "stewed noodles with a slow soup" by additional heating, or adjusting the finish condition by themselves It seems that it is possible contents.

So, tomorrowApril 28. On April 28th one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

Suspicion of indication of inflated indication of 'Employment information of student 2009', its verification of its character - GIGAZINE

Durability experiment disc to kill Xbox 360 leaks - GIGAZINE

Pizza Hut's mascot "Cheese Kun" Mumbai - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Destroy the arrest of the grass? Notice of retaliation to Akasaka station by Wikipedia - ITmedia News(It seems that there was an extreme writing such as entertainment, "throwing grenades" "There is also the occasion to dutate in a dagger knife"

Untitled document out of mother is amazing(Life, documentary of a tremendous great life record)

Why do men feel happy with panic? What on earth is a romantic bet on one cloth? | Trend | Free Videos GyaO [Gao] |(Note, the opinion "Because there is a never end story across the thin cloth one by one" may not be a mistake)

I have never had a relationship with a woman at the age of 36. - Rakuten settles with us! Q & A(Life, the questioner's writing on each answer will gradually reveal his true figure)

NHK Rage, Sports Paper to Remove "Suspect" ... SMAP Kusanagi Takeshi Understanding of arrest coverage - daily Saizo(Despite the major affair related to performing arts, "Kusanagi Takeshi arrested", the daily sports "Nomi tiger consecutive winning for the first time in 2 years" brought it to one side, there is no blurring in the basic stance)

Lucky ___ ___ ___ 0(The preliminary notice of the case, the criminal knew little about "Lucky Star" and I have not read even manga)

Makoto Biz.ID: goo Ranking: Is your company OK?(Society, "Most people who are anxious about their company when competent employees quit one after another")

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Irabu pitcher to return to active service US contract with independent league - Sports(It will be the first muscle in 5 years if sports, climbing is realized)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): 110th largest, why Naha station inquires for tourists one cause - society(Note, only Okinawa, Tokyo, and Kyoto have more than 100 cases per 1,000 people tend to be more in sightseeing spots)

Next Prime Minister, Aso and Ozawa's "Neither" 70% Nikkei Public Opinion NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net)(Politics, "No Either" increased due to the fact that Mr. Ozawa's answer decreased since last November survey)

New employees: "Herbivorous boys" in FY2009 stability-oriented more strongly - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shinbun)(Society, the top of confidence is "cooperativeness" "perseverance", the top of confident items is "creativity" "aggressiveness", supporting the stability mind)

"Naked is useless" Nudist hiking prohibited in the Alps mountains - MSN Sankei News(It seems that the note says "a special experience that is natural, free and healthy")

"Akasaka Sacas Bleeds Blood of Blood" Arresting a Net-Written College Student - MSN Sankei News(Note, stating that "I had something to do with my private life")

Current affairs dot com: "Pork removal" also requested for reservations = Food service / Retail industry - Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries(Food and pork emphasized once again that there is no danger of eating ")

MS to add 'Windows XP Mode' to 'Windows 7' - Legacy applications are also available: News - CNET Japan(A function that makes it easy to use applications designed for Windows XP using software and virtualization even on Windows 7)

Anime production base, economic activity effect by regional shift: News - CNET Japan(Anime, a surrounding environment different from the center gives positive effects to the development of human resources, creation of works, and regional economy)

The quality of the free paper "Animal Cross" issued by Ueno Zoo is too high! | Trend | Free Videos GyaO [Gao] |(There are plenty of sightseeing, photography and so on, quality enough to take money)

Cursive was unprecedented rare existence | Excite News(Education, educational guidelines revised in 1998 did not have to teach cursive writing)

From when did black pepper become "Major"? Excite News(Food, black pepper is strongly pungent, white pepper is mellow hot and fragrant weak)

Mac 'Bacon potato pie' after 7 years "unusual" regular resurgence news - gourmet theme Oricon ranking(It is unusual for foods, products once sale finished returning to the regular menu again)

Nico Nico Douga iPhone application is released, video viewing and comment writing are available: Mobile Channel - CNET Japan(In the case of mobile, 3G, it is recommended to use wireless LAN because moving images may not be played smoothly due to line speed problem)

Ideal sister ranking 1st place is "Becky", 3rd place "Ohashi Nozomi" Diet · Beauty · Beauty Oricon ranking(Ranking, Aragaki Yui, Ueto Aya, Shida Mirai etc. rank in)

NEC Eleg and Renesas business integration. To the world's third largest semiconductor company - AV Watch(Memo, aim to construct "a powerful semiconductor specialized company" that can secure high profitability stably)

About 6000 volumes disappeared in 3 years Manga Library has been stolen successively: Hiroshima: Region: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Society, equivalent to approximately 2.5 million yen in terms of money)

Condition of 'dequiet man' to do work is "nap"!? - Tokyo Walker(Note, a nap of 20 to 30 minutes is effective)

Matrix, conference ... What is time when otoko considers female's skin - Tokyo Walker(It seems that men often see themselves at a moment, such as a note, "When you are on the way")

Teacher retirement all together Saga City's river Vice-Nishi kindergarten / Saga news: Saga Shimbun's information community site Hibino(Socially opposed to the management policy of the newly appointed headmaster, all teachers submit retirement applications)

"Once you eat it is addictive Libers Kobe Motomachi store" Pom Eis ": Isa!(It seems that the sweetness of ice and the saltyness of potato are drawn into chaos and become habit)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Summer bonus, the biggest drop in the past by 14.4% - the first time in seven years - the business · economy(Economy, this summer bonus is an average of 648,149 yen, a decrease of 108,927 yen from the previous year)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): 2009 baseball annual salary, Hanshin's first top giant falls third place - sports(Sports, the average annual salary of all 12 players is 37.93 million yen, a 4.5% increase over the previous year)

Must be Always Generated in the Showa Era 50 years ago - Good morning www you guys wwwwwwww(Generation, "Bikkuriman prohibited at school" "Running to Mini 4WD and trying to catch up is impossible" etc)

AIST: Main Research Results Realization of VocaListener (vocal listener) for singing synthesis parameter estimation technology(Singing voice can be synthesized by technology, more natural nuance)

"Listen to the President of IT Venture!": I would like to repay to my blog ~ Agile Media · Network President Keiko Tokumi (Part 1)(Interview, people organizing a voting project called 'Find Alpha Bloggers' at Participatory News Site FPN)

The 100th anniversary live performance at Tochigi at Berryz Kobo became the best concert with stylish choreography(Music, content of the moving event)

About revising ATM fee eBANK Corporation | Internet banking(Bank, the fee was raised to 262 yen, sad because the preferential conditions were also changed)

Can we discuss the issues of Japan as a whole in just 50's? Business - Latest News: IT-PLUS(Suggesting the shivering reality and its solution that the gap between the society and the generation creates)

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Headline news on 24th April 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log