Featuring a characteristic green carbonated drink "Mountain Dewax Air 3" tasting review that reached the third renewal

The carbonated drink "Mountain Dew" whose green color is very conspicuous when you see it at a convenience store. It seems that the sale itself has been done since the 1980's, according to Wikipedia "The package was renewed in 2006, and more things to see than beforeHowever, it can not be said even to flattering that there are still many opportunities to see compared to other carbonated drinks. Renewal in 2007 renamed "Max Air", this year it was renewed for the third time as "MAX Air 3", so I finally found a place that arrived at the neighborhood Family Mart, so please buy it and drink it Saw.

Review from below.
Mountain Dew

For coloring, use yellow No. 4 + blue No. 1. Melon syrup and others, those that emit vivid green color seem to be in this combination.

Third renewal "Max Air 3". It seems to be renewed around May every year.

It is exactly the color of melon syrup.

There is only a name meaning "drop of mountains", refreshing taste. It is a taste like a syrup of shaved ice made into carbonated drinks, so if you say "melon syrup soda" it will come nicely. Because it is vividly colorful, I feel that it would be better to make the label more visible by making the label more transparent as a whole.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt