Headline news on June 2, 2009

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:01 Jun 02, 2009, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Eye Share researchTargeted 605 men and women in their 20s to 40sSurvey on uniforms concerning uniformsAccording to the school uniforms, 60.5% of all "favorite school" who combined "I liked (16.2%)" and "I liked it (44.3%)" was 34.2% It seems that it was.

On the other hand, the question of whether it is better to have uniforms decided by the company when doing work is "supportive" 58.2%, especially among those who liked school uniformsTendency to support uniforms even in the workplaceIt seems to have been seen. As for the reasons, the supporters said, "Because you do not have to choose clothes everyday," the unsupported school said "The change of clothes is troublesome", so the real reasons are both top. In addition, there are no people who have never attended a school with uniforms and answered that uniforms are "better" in their workplaces, and since they have never worn uniforms, they prefer to schools that do not have uniforms rather than longing for it You can see that you passed.

So, tomorrowJune 3. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on June 3, one year ago.

Paint site that can do graffiti like paint "Jackson Pollock" - GIGAZINE

Imaginary chart of old-age celebrities who died short-lived - GIGAZINE

8 ways to sell your body and turn it into money - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.North Korea's general secretary Kim, the third son · Masayuki decided to be the successor | World | Reuters(International, Masayuki was born in 1983 or 1984 and is educated in Switzerland and is considered to be the most capable of three sons)

CNN.co.jp: AIR FRANCE aircraft, unknown, "possibility of crash" and CEO(International, passenger passenger 228 people survival is considered desperate)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): President of Daily Sports resigned Resigned due to omission of advertisement - Society(Media, leakage of advertisement of 5.5 daily average is nearly three years)

Hiro Mizushima formed a handsome band! Making cartoon "BECK" into a movie: Entertainment: Sports broadcast(Movie, band members are Ken Sato, Kenta Kiritani, Ao Nakamura, Akira Mukai)

"What cuts?" At Kiyosumi High School Mahjong Department?(game,"Nani - Kiru.com" that you can vote by choosing which tile to cut from the displayed tileBut"Saki -"Appears)

Ayako Nishida Art Book! It is! :: AS Days (As Days)(Illustration, Animator seems to come out of the episode of the journal "- Jam - Jam" with nearly 300 illustrations by Ayako Nishida on June 25)

【Daletto】 Street fighter online(Game, service ended at 16 o'clock on Monday, August 31)

NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): 'State-owned' GM Focused start Competitive recovery, focus on speed(Economy, "Shinsei GM" aims to re-listing within 18 months)

NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): GM "Escape the Deficit from the End of 2009" CEO Conference(Bankruptcy legal procedures are against time in order to gain economic and government support)

Nuns training for women seeking "healing" Experience accommodation plan - Granvia Kyoto - Karasumaru economic newspaper(Memo, a nun may come next to a shrine maiden)

"Oda Nobunaga" "Tokugawa Ieyasu" guidebook - published by Aichi prefecture, targeting tourists - the name of the station Economic Newspaper(Note, which of the Nobunaga version and the Ieyasu version is popular?)

Chigasaki City, Cool Biz in "Aloha Biz" also this summer - Event at City Hall - Shonan Keizai Shimbun(Society, this season has become the season of Cool Biz)

What can be painted on donuts? What is "new sense purine" of Misudo - Tokyo Walker(Food,Pudding to breadIs it texture like that)

Veil, banning 20 years of vegetarian in movies - Movie Walker(Movie, the chance of Christian Bale eating meat is the Holocaust movie 'Life is beautiful')

2 kilometers in the free diamond "5001 th person" is a super-scarecia ... "Mow bassan" first come gifts: society: sports broadcasting(Society, casually unwilling to appear "entering sideways" appeared, skirmished in talks with each other, eventually the fights and scene became a temporary scuffle)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Hunting guns are held during live broadcasting Former あ な ね そ Harada san to listen to circumstances - Kansai news general(TV, firearms swords law prohibits a person not receiving the permission of the prefectural public safety commission from guns)

Kyosui Taisen group violence, several students outside the private room ... To the situation hearing at the time: News: From Kansai: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Incident, the university side made six persons suspended indefinitely)

"Building an international network" Science and technology white paper - MSN Sankei news(It sounded alarming that "Science and acceptance of foreign researchers are also sluggish" from the network of international researchers ")

J's_B.: Are regional banks useless too?(I feel sorry for the quality deterioration of bankers from the incident that society, banks forget to remit)

Tenkaichi Cowboy Competition Executive Committee(Hackers, Computers / Cowboys active in the world come together to show their artistic works as "Rodeo")

Kusanagi Tsuyoshi: "SMAP × SMAP" returning to 22% Kimutaku's strict guidance - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Entertainment, Takuya Kimura did not answer the call from Mr. Kusanagi)

Excavating news: Punching permanent's creator tells - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Memo, punch perm is from Kitakyushu Ogura, in fact hair is not easily damaged)

Can you make sake with cabbage!? | Excite News(Eating, making it inefficient due to low sugar content)

Is there something the policeman says "cowardly"? Excite News(Memo, "thief offender" on the document)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Preventing New Influence with a Fashion Mask - Society(Society, expansion of infection began to show signs of diminishing but mask material will continue to be short)

Coffee gilt to the sweet tooth pilaf! Nagoya cafe "enchanted world" - Tokai Walker(The number of food and coffee shops is more in Osaka prefecture · Aichi prefecture than in Tokyo)

Ichiro, 25 consecutive hits lined up in self-highest number in 2007 - 47 NEWS (Yona no Toshi news)(Sports, the first middle batting in the first bat, the batting average is 30% 5 minutes 2)

Do you know the food culture of each country at a glance? World feeding picture | Trend | Free video GyaO [gao] |(Food, everyone seems to taste surprisingly)

"Measurement of body" of baby in panda in Thailand | spillover of the world | Reuters(animal,There is no pattern immediately after birthPanda's baby)

Moe engine oil! What is "Oil Pain" of "Lucky Star"? - Tokyo Walker(Note, use with color, scented engine oil, other use is not recommended)

Why is it 3 hours from 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock and 4 days from 2 days to 5 days? | Meta Meta Day(I do not quite understand the difference between memo, the first time in 1 year and the second time for 2 years)

Hitomi is a new maternity nude showcase jacket (1/3 page) - MSN Sankei News(Entertainment, maternity nude photographed in early December last year exceeding 9 months pregnancy)

Toshiba develops face recognition technology for automobiles | WIRED VISION(Technology, it is also possible to warn you by recognizing the sleepy face of the driver)

Cooking Dad, Misdirected Misunderstanding !? Wrong Pizza Recipe News - ORICON STYLE-(Manga, strong flour 450 g is written as 45 g)

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Headline news on 1 June 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log