Square Enix announces online game for PS 3, code name is "Rapture"
It became clear that Square Enix could announce online game called "Rapture" for PS3 called codename.
When we say online game where Square Enix is currently developingFINAL FANTASY XIAlthough I think of it, what exactly will be announced?
Details are as below.
Gameplayer - Square Enix's PS3 Console Exclusive MMO
According to this article, a game industry trade fair to be held next week in Los Angeles, USAE3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo)"Square Enix is planning to announce the details of online games called by the code name" Rapture "on Wednesday local time.
Moreover, it is predicted that a presentation will be held at a press conference of Sony Computer Entertainment on Tuesday the previous day, and the platform is said that Consumer will become PS3, and it will be deployed also for PC.
Although it is not definite information to the last, what kind of title will it be if it is actually released? "MMORPG (Multiplayer RPG)"Not to the last"MMOIt is said that it is called multiplayer multiplayer game other than RPG because it is said.
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