HD Video of ministerial advert featuring Pretty Cure Rip-Off "Osame Tai"

To remind the local car owners that vehicle tax is due by Monday, June 1st, Osame Tai(Team Osame) became animated. The advert is aired in Kagoshima Prefecture, and we've found a HD video on the web.

Read on for snapshots of the commercial, and a link to the video.
(Japanese)Kagoshima Prefecture: Your Auto Tax is due payment by June 1st

Here's the video.
YouTube - [HD] Jidosha zei wo osametai CM [Kagoshima Prefecture]

"Here we are! the Osame Tai!"

"You can pay through a financial institution!"

"You can pay via convenient store!"

"You can pay via Internet!"

"Pay it by June 1st. Promise<3"

Kagoshima Prefecture.

in Video,   Anime, Posted by logc_nt