It turns out that women are more susceptible to tobacco carcinogenic substances

Although smoking is a habit with healthy and social risks, women may be more at risk of smoking than men when smoking. Studies targeting lung cancer patients have shown that females are more susceptible to carcinogenic substances contained in tobacco and the possibility of developing cancer even with smaller amounts of smoking than men has been revealed.

By the way the image aboveGHSbyCarcinogenicIt is a pictogram of display.

Details are as below.Women More Vulnerable To Tobacco Carcinogens, New Results Show

In this survey conducted on 683 lung cancer patients introduced to cancer specialty medical centers in St. Gallen, Switzerland from 2000 to 2005, females had significantly less average smoking than men Despite this, there was a tendency for cancer to develop at a younger age than men.

"This result suggests the possibility that women are more likely to be affected by carcinogenic substances," Martin Frueh and colleagues and colleagues said at the European Society for It was announced at Medical Oncology (European Medical Oncology Society).

Dr. Enriqueta Felip of Val d'Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, ​​Barcelona, ​​co-chair of the academic society said, "Although it is said that lung cancer was rare in women in the early 1900's, it gradually spread from the 1960s, It was the first cancer to become. " "Lung cancer is not only a disease of men, but women seem to be conscious about other cancers, such as breast cancer."

But it is not all bad news for women. In other studies published at this conference, the prognosis of lung tumor surgery seems to be better for women.

Dr. Bassel Al - Alao et al. Researchers in Ireland reported non - small - cell lung cancer (Small cell lung cancer(Which accounts for 80% of lung cancer)), 640 patients (of which 239 females) were chased after surgery. As a result, the average survival time after surgery was 2.1 years for men, while that for women was 4.7 years.

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