Very absurd but unique protesting to digital terrestrial television on ""

While there is strong disapproval on the government's changeover into digital terrestrial television (DTTV) among the people, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, the pop star who did the TV ad announcing the changeover, was arrested for being badly drunk and exposing his nudity in public.
Naturally, the officials re-create former whole TV ads, and so "Chidejika", the combination of "Chideji(Japanese abbreviation of DTTV)" and "Shika", a dear, was given birth to the world.
The charactger was so botchy and it soon become the game for bloggers' jokes. As The National Association of Commercial Broadcasters in Japan made a comment of insisting their copyrights and prohibition of every modification on Chidejika character, bloggers and online artists heated up their protest.
Read on for details.
Fully utilizing their quickness, an anonymous blogger cyber-squats the domain "" and posted the site like this.

The word on his belly reads Chidejika, literally like "Isn't it a shame?", which evokes us the incident of Kusanagi. We are not sure exactly when it came out, but the first web archive was made on 00:22 Apr.28 so it should be older than that.
And on the pixiv, the SNS for online illustrators, there are 81 un-official illustrations as of now and it seems that there are more to come.

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