Rightsholder groups warned free P2P software "Key HoleTV" that can watch local TV programs etc.

Compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Mobile,Free P2P software "Key HoleTV" which enables you to view local TV programs etc. simply by installing it, It was revealed that a notice pointing out copyright infringement was sent from the rights holder organization.

"KeyHoleTV"Although it was free software developed by" Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications "" Research and development on next generation P2P type content distribution and sophistication technology ", it is conflicting with several laws including copyright law.

Details are as follows.
Dr. Tomabechi blog - Dr. Hideto Tomabechi Official Weblog: Copyright infringement was reported on KeyHoleTV. - livedoor Blog (blog)

According to Mr. Hideto Tomabe, a representative researcher at Cognitive Research Lab that developed KeyHoleTV,Digital Broadcasting Promotion Association (Dpa)It consists of broadcasters who are members ofComputer Software Copyright Association (ACCS)In cooperation with the spread of copyright on television programs and dealing with illegal distribution "Broadcast content appropriate circulation promotion liaison meeting"Has received a notification requesting KeyHoleTV operator and Cognitive Research Lab to cancel the distribution of broadcast content distributed by Hey Hole TV.

In the notification, since the digital program is not deteriorated even when it is recorded and dubbed repeatedly, the DVD etc. dubbed the broadcast program delivered by KeyHoleTV illegally circulates, or the broadcasting company only distributes it to the world via the Internet It is stated that the rights of people and legal entities involved in program production such as performers, musicians, screenwriters, etc. are infringed, and it is legally stipulated that the provider liability limit law, telecommunications service use broadcast law, It is said to be in conflict with the law.

In response to this, Mr. Tomabeji calls on users who are distributing contents considered to infringe copyrights to stop delivery.

According to the following link, Mr. Tomabechi transferred the notice received from Broadcast Content Promotion Liaison Committee to overseas company currently operating KeyHoleTV, KeyHoleTV saves the contents to HDD etc It is that it is provided for publishing voluntary production content as well as YouTube and the like, and overseas investment management company adopts procedure in compliance with Japan's provider liability limit law concerning suspension of transmission I am replying to you.

Dr. Tomabechi blog - Dr. Hideto Tomabechi Official Weblog: Broadcast contents appropriate distribution promotion liaison meeting - livedoor Blog (blog)

in Note,   Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log