TAF 2009: "Sengoku BASARA" booth to exhibit Masamune Date's replica helmet.

Begun as a CAPCOM's PS2 game, "Sengoku BASARA(lit:Feudal Basara, known as Devil Kings)" became popular enough to be adapted to anime. The characters in the story are based on real samurai daimyo of feudal age.

At Tokyo International Anime Fair 2009, a replica kabuto(helmet) of daimyo Masamune Date made by artisan was exhibited at the Production I.G.'s booth. The helmet will be mass-produced and soon they will be accepting orders.

Read on for detail.

The helmet was exhibited at Production I.G.'s booth.

This is the upcoming "Sengoku BASARA's Helmet of Masamune Date"

A wooden plate on side.

From the back.

Each helmets were hand-made by Marutake Industry, the plop manufacturer specialized in old Japanese armors. They also supplied their plops to the Hollywood movie "The Last Samurai".

"Sword guard" to be sold separately.

Next to the helmet, "Date Masamune Beer", local brew beer of Miyagi Pref. was promoted. The beer was brewed by Naganuma Environment Development Co.. They are going to sell special label version commemorating anime adaption from March 20.

Date Masamune Beer is brewed at Hyorou Yama, where Masamune preserved their military supplies. Since 2007 it has become popular among young women, probably due to "Sengoku BASARA"

The normal label version which has been sold since 2004

Won Special Beer Award of Japan Asia Beer Cup 2008

"Katakura Kojyuro Beer" made in 2008 by fans' demand.

Got Silver Prize in International Beer Competition.

The commemorative version starts selling at Miyagi Furusato Plaza. Of course you have to be of age to purchase it.

You can also buy one at Date Masamune Beer Yahoo Branch in Yahoo! Shopping.

"Sengoku BASARA" anime starts airing in April

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in Coverage,   Anime,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log