CeBIT2009: MSI's "Wind Top", an under-a-thousand-dollar desktop is really a killer for PC giants!

MSI is exhibiting many attracting products like 12-hour operating laptops and thin-as-paper laptops on this CeBIT 2009. And not only the laptop, they also brought some desktop PCs to cultivate the new market. MSI's "Wind Top" desktop PC is one of the forerunner, whose design and concepts would never have been casted into shape by Japanese manufacturer.
Wind Top has two versions, normal LCD or touch panel version. Three product numbers, AE1900, AE2010, AE2200, are given to touch panel version. There's difference in size of the displays and featured equipments.
Read on for detail of difference.
AE1900 is the smallest in the Wind Top series with 19" LCD monitor. With Atom 230 CPU, 1G RAM memory, and 160G HDD. According to the booth person, the price will be about 599 USD. The release will be within March.

AE 1900 has a SD card slot and two USB ports on the side. The optical disk drive is a DVD super multi drive so it can handle several types of disk media.

AE2010 comes with 20" LCD, which makes it a bit larger than AE1900. With Athlon 2650e 1.5GHz for CPU, 2GB RAM and 320GB HDD. The price will be 699 USD. This seems so cheap to me, for the price of 17' LCD was just at this price like 5 years ago or so. The release date will be in this May.

The high-end of Wind Top series is AE2200. With 21.6' LCD. The size of RAM and HDD is as same as AE2010, but it has faster CPU, Intel Core2 DUO E5400. IT will be released at the same time with AE2010, in this May.

AE2200 has built in DTTVs tuner. Antenna connector is on the left back.

On the right side there are SD memory card slot, USB port and optical drive. You can choose DVD super-multi drive or Blu-ray drive for optical drive. DVD version is for 799 USD and Blu-ray version is 999 USD.

On the back, SATA port, HDMI port, and SPDIF digital audio port were installed. It's much expandable and well prepared for rich audio equipments. You had better consider it as your next desktop. It's worth it.

(Coverage, Text: Hiroyuki Watanabe / Edit: GIGAZINE)
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