What are the boss characters who appeared in Rockman 2 now?
It was released in NES in 1988 "Rockman 2 Dr. Wiley's Mystery"The boss characters appear to have various lives after each fight with Rockman. It seems that all the boss characters changed their minds, and they are in a position that suits them without doing anything wrong.
Let's see what the reformed boss characters are doing now.
Details are from the following.
Where Are They Now? Mega Man 2 Bosses:: The - Minus World: Your Distinguished Source For Video Game Comedy
Crash man
Crash man seems to work in the car crash test department. According to crash man's ability and support, car safety and reliability are increasing.
■ Metal man
Metalman appeared on TV cooking programs as a unique character. It seems that the appearance of chopping ingredients with a cutter of good skill is getting popular.
■ Woodman
It is said that Woodman is conducting forest conservation activities in Canada. Although he seems to have been accused of making various mistakes, he said that he was praised as a forest savior.
■ Heatman
Heatman is working on environmental pollution problems and is said to be complaining about environmental pollution problems in various places. Currently it is appealing to the United States to join the Kyoto Protocol.
■ Flashman
It seems that Flashman is working at a photo shop in a shopping mall. When the subject shows the best expression at the time of shooting, stop taking time as "kachin" and take a very good picture.
■ Quickman
Quickman seems to be working day and night to prove that he is totally robot. Moreover, it seems that they are demonstrating for the first time as "Cyborg · Gigoro" and they play for the first time in the playboy.
■ Bubble Man
It seems that Bubble Man is starting shrimp farming. It seems that shrimp raised and raised robot engineering is very delicious.
■ Air Man
At first I was working as a shop, but now he seems to make full use of my abilities as a weather forecaster. Some experts criticize that Airman's weather is being manipulated by the ability of Air Man, because the prediction of Air Man is too much.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log