Headline news on January 22, 2009

Meiji SeikaThe roughly crushed persimmon seeds and the sweetness of almond chocolate are habit "Almond Hail Arrangement CrunchWe will release it on February 3 nationwide. It seems that roasted almonds wrapped in baked goods are wrapped in milk chocolate and roast crushed persimmon seeds and exquisitely blended with sweetness of chocolate and persimmon spicy soy sauce.

So, tomorrowJanuary 23. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on January 23, one year ago.

What is "HTML5" recommended in 2010 different from "HTML 4"? - GIGAZINE

A news team's movie aimed at sniper while interviewing TV - GIGAZINE

The Jedi church establishment plan is underway in Wales - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.

Whether net child prostitution is latent and dating regulation also shifts to Prof: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Society, 432 companies nationwide, only a total of 1627 sites have notified the fact by notification by the 5th of this month since notification was required)

"What if both are bad, what remains" Physical strength test sluggish Governor Hashimoto - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)(Education, if you can not afford to pick up the value that does not appear in the score is not grown up in the system called school)

NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): The main cause of the accident to Aegis warship Asago "insufficient monitoring"(It is pointed out that deployment of the command room and watch-list was inadequate, although society, crew members understood many difficult to contact)

Disposal discipline: suspended for counterfeiting of staff cafeteria for 6 months - the prefecture is disposed of / Kanagawa - everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(Social, personal computers and printers at home were counterfeiting 20 types of tickets totaling 9700 yen (9700 yen) and the printed date and serial number were random)

Temple priest, Saltwater shutter rust Osaka - MSN Sankei news(Society, paint changed again in June last year but rust started flooding immediately)

Chunichi Newspaper: Police Agency Career Assaulted by Airport Officials Disciplinary Action: Society (CHUNICHI Web)(Public officials and society, throwing the tray of the laboratory to the inspector who declared that he was a police agency career and refused to bring in the prohibited items)

Taxi robbery: to countermeasure Crime prevention classroom - Miyakojima station / Osaka - everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(Crime prevention, if you do not train anything you do not know what to do at a time)

NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): fixed rate benefits, net café refugees also under the House of Councilors budget committee minister(It is not a problem that the unemployed will lose their hands and legs if the economy and address can not be determined)

How to Become a Web Creator at a High School Level Writing System & No Career History & 30 Years Old | Fumio Takahashi. Com(Economy, 1. Aim for a geek in a hurry 2. Select a career 3. Build up achievements 4. Even if all suddenly became stupid and resigned, the experience of working for the company will be helpful)

Choosing not to dare to find jobs in the job ice age - Keep Crazy; diary of shi 3 z(There is a chance that the world finds himself if there is economy, favorite things)

"Fixed rate benefit" ignoring the macro principle of macroeconomics "sense of incongruity feeling in skepticism | From Yasuda Takaaki Graduate school! Reading economic and financial news | Diamond Online(Theory is missing from economic and fixed rate benefits discussions · reports)

【Employment Issues】 Three bombs in "fired Domino": Nikkei Business Online(Economy, dismissing proficient people will spur onsite confusion)

President Obama: Enhancement of transparency appeal information disclosure, prohibition of lobbyist officials - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shinbun)(International, President Obama is not dangerous to "give" information to citizens, and is trying to create a more effective government while collecting opinions of the people by "sharing")

Chunichi Newspaper: Sony, the operating deficit to 260 billion yen from the surplus in FY03 / 09: Economy (CHUNICHI Web)(The impact of the yen's appreciation was very large as the economy and exports accounted for much)

NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): Intel plans to shut down some factories and reduce personnel and make changes(Announced economic, reducing or shifting 5000 - 6000 employees)

Chunichi Newspaper: China's first growth in 6 years 0 0 0 0 0% rapid deceleration in the financial crisis: economy (CHUNICHI Web)(The economy, exports that had been driving growth have changed to minus)

Gasoline: average 106.8 yen, renewal cheapest - January · price within prefecture / Nagano - everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Economy, influence that manufacturers are lowering wholesale price Update the lowest price since the survey started in January 2006)

Apple has posted record revenue of more than $ 10 billion in the first quarter - ITmedia + D Mobile(Economy, sales of iPhone is 4,363,000 units, increase rate is 88% increase)

J-CAST News: Google, withdraw from the newspaper advertising business(Economy, withdrawal because market conditions are worse than expected)

Receipt: Online claim, complaining against the country Doctors and others "Expense heavily out of business" / Kanagawa - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(It is a big problem that initial costs for social and capital investment can not be borne)

Kohki "Brothers Concert" 3 · 4 World Pre-Order Fight Determination / Ring / Daily Sports online(Entertainment, this year I will focus on concentrating power and aim for 2nd class domination)

Erika "Atsuzu" to Hawaii Honeymoon / Entertainment · Society / Daily Sports online(Entertainment, just as saying "Please look", opened the chest of a super mini dress in a suede wide wide, appearing in a sexy style without a bra)

NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): Toshiba recorder(IT, it shows on the liquid crystal and appeals to the layer familiar to the video deck)

Is residential electricity sufficient only by solar power generation? : Knowing Encyclopedia 2: Living Society: From Kansai: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(It seems that science, standard system seems to be able to cover over half)

There are the strongest small and medium enterprises Nidec has "hat off": Nikkei Business Online(Economy, profit margin is extremely high and it is over 37% for 37 consecutive years)

Emacs Send to beginners, Bali Bali Usage Corps !! Setting lecture for people Part 1. - Every day, Mr. talks.(IT, About the initial setting of advanced text editor)

Mozilla Re-Mix: Firefox add-on "Hide My Ass!" That allows anonymous browsing through a button with just one button(You can access via proxy via one button without preparing IT or proxy list yourself)

The day the limits of live streaming are revealed(IT, currently it can not withstand only about 1 million simultaneous streaming and it is still tough to use it as a broadcast medium)

Try it Gatten: Past broadcast: Low calorie diet Failure and success branch point(There is calorie enough to boil 1 liter of water four times or more with the heat of living, board chocolate 1 (70 g))

Amazing Japanese "bike for delivery" | WIRED VISION(Economy, Honda · Super Cub is concentrating on the right steering wheel so that you can drive with your right hand at the time of delivery)

"Buddhist prosecution" banned 2 billion yen, examination fee tripled expenses: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Suspected that they had collected examination fee up to three times the expenses from the examinees)

Dating site: Users need to send license images from February - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(We ask the contractor to confirm the age by limiting payment to credit cards in addition to sending images of society and driver's license)

Following teenage net use: Reason why correspondence manual concerning net bullying for schools and teachers is necessary(It is important that education and basic bullying not to miss small changes while doing daily guidance on bullying on the Internet is important)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: I run the course of F1 for 7 hours (at Mama Chary)(Fun, if you run 4.4 km per round in F1 you will run for over a minute but it takes more than 10 minutes)

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Headline news on January 21, 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log