Headline news on August 29, 2008

Today, Nintendo announced the revised forecast of consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ended March 2009, revised up sales to 2 trillion yen and operating income up to 650 billion yen. This is the highest ever, with overseas "Nintendo DS"Or"WiiIt is thought that the sales of brisk sales have been picked up and amended.

Specifically, it seems that we expect to increase the sales volume of DS from 28 million to 30.5 million, and the sales forecast for Wii from 25 million to 26.5 million, which is expected to raise sales steadily . Does it keep on putting strength to such an extent that other game machines will not be allowed to keep up with this momentum?

So, tomorrowAugust 30. On August 30th one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

A gang group who tried to steal money by digging a tunnel down to ATM - GIGAZINE

10 amazing animals already extinct - GIGAZINE

Grandma, who has smoked 170,000 cigarettes, celebrates his 100th birthday - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Baby dead in Panda Kobe · Oji Zoo - Society(Animals, pandas born in artificial insemination in the fourth domestic)

3.3 million camouflage eel production areas? To Ehime processing company to order improvement: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun(Only one eclipse was eaten by eel among the nine eel-farms)

Hatena Bookmark Comment List About Hide Function - Hatena Bookmark Diary - Function Change, Information etc.(You can hide comments by putting specific tags on net service, page)

CNN.co.jp: "Georgia conflict is a plan by the US" Mr. Putin is ruled out entirely(International, no clear evidence)

The way of malicious affiliators who devise ingenuity so that it does not fall on EC site | Web contact person Forum(Fraud, the method of canceling after pulling until the affiliate fee is fixed)

Are there images of magnificent scales more than this?(Landscape, a lot of images that can be used as wallpaper)

Do not you get wet if you lend it? : Hamster Breaking News 2(Life, thread title is bright but the content of writing is completely different)

Reason why young people do not buy things - Internet dependence, low upward orientation ...: marketing - CNET Japan(Consumption, "anxiety about the future", "low upward orientation", "fixed human relations", "vague marriage awareness", "dependence on the Internet")

Bloomberg Incorrectly Deliver Jobs Death Article - Engadget Japanese(Note, Apple 's CEO was supposed to be dead arbitrarily)

An antidote that "the world is not friendly to you": NBonline (Nikkei Business Online)(Note that it can not find a value in effort)

People who ease meals - Lord Takelumba diary(Food, "Erara so for shop people" "Seasoning crusher" "Eat like masu" "Only talk about price" etc.)

Promotion of "photovoltaic power generation" ... Approximate request, eight times as compared to the previous year: Environment: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Investing over 2.1 billion yen towards budget to recapture the world's best solar power generation)

Oita teacher corruption: Prefectural board of education report "Lack of checking function" - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shinbun)(Education, if it is better to entrust to a third-party organization completely)

Imperial sentencing judgment on penal servitude to dragonfly drug president of stimulant drugs April 1st Tokyo District Court - MSN Sankei News(Stimulant agent, imprisonment judged by using it during suspended execution)

China Airlines, the accident committee reported progress without recognizing mistakes in a flame-up accident(Accident, a completely different view from the originally told)

V6 concert costumed trucks burned down - entertainment news: nikkansports.com(Entertainment, about 90% costumes burned down)

Voice of acclaim for Takeshi work! Venice Film Festival - Performing Arts - SANSPO.COM(Acclaimed by the audience that movies, "genius" "very good")

Yasuda Misako Model 'Birth of Kin Meat Superman'! Is it? : Entertainment: Sports report(Entertainment, boiled egg hopes for Yasuda style superman but is refused)

Supporting charity of more than 20,000 in Ed · Harumi (entertainment) - Sponichi Annex news(Entertainment, Ed popularity still has not decayed)

Current affairs dot: Mr. Jackson, 50 years old = injured healed Las Vegas wandering - rice(Please find entertainment, mind's neverland)

Panasonic Europe, prototype 65/58 type of "ultra-thin PDP"(AV, even thinner large plasma TV)

KONAMI, PS 3 "METAL GEAR SOLID 4". Publish password which can receive 'Scanning plug' etc.(Game, it seems to be the last password release)

Hoshino President of the Baseball Federation to Japan "Do not excuse" - Baseball News: nikkansports.com(Sports, "Severe opinion that the same condition everywhere, it will be troubled if you lose a strong Japanese)

"Matsuzaka generation" only victory Kizutani also wins first victory ... Rakuten: professional baseball: baseball: sports report(Sports, "Regret only because I was not bad" comfortably)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Ichiro 2 hits team loses possibility of victory in the district - sports(Sports, 26 more after up to 200 hits for 8 consecutive years)

CNN.co.jp: Sydney, you and Olympic opening ceremony were not live performances but recordings(Sports, something that recorded the performance of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, not the Sydney Symphony Orchestra was shed)

[WSJ] Looking to options not to sell at iTunes Store Music industry - ITmedia News(Music, copyright issues and accelerating)

V6 Okada and Aoi Yuu shot shot - Entertainment News: nikkansports.com(Entertainment seems to have shopped strangely a sense of life)

Yomi's next work is original Japanese cartoon "Drop of God" - Entertainment News: nikkansports.com(Performing entertainment, can you bring up the second Yon - senpai?)

"SoftBank -> au" to change carriers - 60% ─ ─ MMD laboratory investigation - ITmedia + D mobile(Mobile, "Satisfied" 24.9% "Somewhat satisfied" 43.9% is generally satisfied)

Nostalgic Windows blue screen - How to reproduce it - builder by ZDNet Japan(Memo, when you absolutely need it please)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): prostitution on label, "Roppongi Cider" standing outstanding - good food and cuisine(Food, carbonation is intense and aftertaste clear)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): [Mie] for local Ajika cooking - food and cooking(Food and roux are few and "it is close to" Asian curry ")

【Scholastic ability test】 Elementary school ranks first in Akita, junior high school is Fukui Osaka Furuha (1/2 page) - MSN Sankei News(Education, percentage correct answer rate of "character expression" in "proportion" in elementary school is low)

Landscape proceedings at the scene of "Ponyo" Landscape proceedings at Konpura Field visit in October Hiroshima District Court - MSN Sankei News(Memo, bridge reclamation plan on the stage of Ponyo)

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Headline news on August 28, 2008 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log