Headline news on October 22, 2008

"What do you need to keep your relationship with your boyfriend unannounced?"When I asked a questionnaire about my 20s,"Keep time while you are alone"It seems that the opinion that it was 68.6% and it was the first ranking. From the results it can be seen that there are many opinions that it is necessary to respect the time of individuals in order to be in a fresh relationship forever.

There seems to be a few opinion that "it is always love love so it is not necessary to take measures to make manners", but most women seem to take some countermeasures, such as those seeking stimuli and those who boyfriend. Women are trying hard in men's unknown places, do they?

So, tomorrowOctober 23. On October 23, one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

A man who lost work protests wearing an iron mask - GIGAZINE

FINAL FANTASY VII potion character cans all 16 types Completed tried - GIGAZINE

A seven-year-old boy will draw a picture of a gun to be suspended - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Consciousness when replying to a complaint mail - in the middle(Memo, a little consideration for belly mail 10)

The motivation and visual acuity of the elementary school student are decreasing and it seems that girls 'elementary school bloggers and girls' bullying have increased. -(Memo, blogging often starts from bullying, it seems that the teacher is traveling around the blog)

Why it is better not to use a hard disk with too much capacity: ITpro(Hardware, unnecessary working time will occur if you do not select the capacity appropriate for your use)

In a traffic accident, when asked "Are you OK?" ... .... Excite News(It says that he is doing traffic safety guidance that he should not say "okay" now, notes)

Are you familiar with Google Chrome's hidden features? (1/3) - @ IT(Software, explanation of differences from other browsers with images)

Is "WEP" dangerous anymore? Consider home wireless LAN security measures(Security, proposing security review following the WEP deciphering method announced by Kobe University and Hiroshima University group)

【Report】 DoCoMo Yamada President, Introducing "Agent Function" in Autumn-Winter Model (1) From "Mobile Phone" to "Mobile Phone" | Mobile | My Mom Journal(Mobile, shift from 'able' mobile to 'doing' mobile)

Watch that download illegalization was "postponed"(Copyright, the main reason is that "Justice confrontation" of copyright holder and JEITA has started)

Elements also OK! How to make a photo shop that becomes transparent more and more(It seems to be useful for software, image image creation)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Challenging full length 55 cm Popular at Saitama's hot dog store - Society(It is not the level that food, sausage is protruding)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): "smell", "smell" as well as "smell" OK Additional draft kanji - culture(Culture, the announcement of the new commonly-used kanji table will be scheduled for autumn 2010)

A difference in annual income of 4 million yen and 6 million yen Curriculum vita - @ IT own strategic research institute(Memo, "Contribution to company / performance" "Result of improvement" "New attempt" keyword)

"Early Shinkansen" 0 popular retirement paid before popularity (1/2 pages) - MSN Sankei News(Train, about one and a half months to retire)

Bicycle life changing with GPS (starting this week)(Bicycle, I wanted to get lost because I often get lost)

Survey on payment fee and consumer behavior of young people 's mobile phone - Pay for mobile phone leave it to parents? : Research - CNET Japan(Mobile, I am surprised at the result that half of users paying monthly call fees by myself)

Apple, Increase Increase / Increase - iPhone Sales Volume Over BlackBerry - ITmedia News(Apple, sales rose 27% year on year to about 786.6 billion yen)

[WSJ] US aims for Mobage, its task - ITmedia News(Can you go beyond the difference of mobile phone situation between mobile and Japan?)

Puzzle with "library at station building": Nagano: region: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(It is a note, lack of preliminary explanation is the cause)

Why does iPhone not support Flash? - ITmedia Anchor desk(Mobile and developers may develop applications without going through the App Store)

[Melamine contamination] Detected from adult toys in the UK - MSN Sankei News(Drug, producing country again China)

Is that an art? The character of "Pikachi" in the sky of Hiroshima - MSN Sankei News(It seems to be the material of a note, a contemporary art piece appealing for peace, but I think it will be uncomfortable from the people of A - bomb survivors)

Web personnel do not answer the phone. Be aware of time thieves | Web personnel Forum(Note, there are not so many really necessary contacts)

Mixi and GourNavi, upwards fix - ITmedia News(Economy, mixi mobile advertisement is going well, GourNavi has better orders than expected)

Slashdot · Japan | Intercept keys entered with electromagnetic waves emitted from the keyboard(Security, there was also a way to distinguish key input from click sound when hitting the keyboard before)

King gym, text input tool with keyboard(Hardware, 27,300 yen with ATOK-equipped memo dedicated machine)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): repayment of loans, suddenly doubling Iceland, yen denominated popularity back - international(Economy, monthly repayment amount of house and car loans sharply doubled)

Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): Pregnant women transportation 7 hospital refused, died after childbirth Tokyo - Society(The incident, death took 1 hour 15 minutes to arrive at the hospital, the baby is safe)

【Tsushima is dangerous】 (middle) Three times of the islanders, a major coming from Korea (1/4 page) - MSN Sankei News(Society, which seems to be occupied already)

Reporter diary: Personal computer distrust / Saitama - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(Memo, reporter's bitches who lost all the data of the past year)

Window Forest - 【NEWS】 "Norton UAC Tool" which can completely eliminate Vista's UAC function to eliminate irritation(Software, you can stop asking about operations that you know is safe)

Prime Minister Aso, Nico Dou "Three Crown King"(Three items of memo, "number of played", "number of comments" and "number of my lists" are ranked first in the 20th day of the daily ranking)

Nom says Ochiai WBC director & Recommended Hara coach (baseball) - Sponichi Annex news(Baseball, others, mentioning the importance of transparency)

Hitachi, Accelerometers measure "motivation", Hitachi Central Research Institute demonstration experiment: ITpro(I feel that if I manage this up to now, I feel motivated or feel only crisis)

"Perfectly ● ●!?" NHK Education Broadcasted Erotic Dance Mystery: Daily Saizo(The conclusion that television, ultimately "art is difficult")

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Launch of the Indian first month unmanned probe, manned space flight planned - International(The total cost of space, launch is about 8 billion yen)

Asahi Shimbun Publisher: Created entertainment novel label Aim of readers of light novel generation (Mantan-web) - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Light novel, the first one is Yuichi Sasamoto's space opera "Minisuka Space Pirate (Pirates)" etc.)

Next to Web 2.0 - Economic crisis as a chance for innovation: Column - CNET Japan(It is said that technological innovation will be promoted in the age of recession, the Internet, since long ago)

【2ch】 Nikko Thread Guide: Brand rice "Yara rice" (Yora Maka?) Brought to life by Mr. Etsuo Horino, a senior western agricultural forestry office, started production(Story, "Uho" forbidden)

Hatena bookmark renewal announcement announcement - Hatena bookmark diary - Function change, information etc.(Net service, movies and slides of the presentation content will be released at a later date)

[Business] "Web 2.0" Does business end up with no money at all? | LxR | R25.jp(Business, why you can not monetize while collecting many users)

[Think IT] 4th: Bayes' theorem predicts project failure (1/3)(Use theorems that are also used for filtering spam mails for work, for project management)

Manga which becomes completely different contents when adding one letter: ぁ ゃ ι ぃ (* ゜ ー °) NEWS 2nd(Story, captain Right wing · Golgo 13 years old · Princess first step etc.)

How do you call high school students about music CD? : A cheeping little bird(This name is correct in a certain sense because it is unnecessary when importing music into a personal computer)

Asahi.com: Hakodate Shonen Prison Producer "Prison" Popularity Boil - My Town Hokkaido(Goods, waiting for a half year from a few months even if receiving an order)

"Father's bread throat frowns and a boys died" News i - TBS video news site(Incident, this does not mean ban ban prohibition)

Dancing with Anison in the background!? Gothic Lolita elementary school unit appearance: daily Saizo(Idol, active Miyabi who is 6th grader elementary school student)

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Headline news on October 21, 2008 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log