Headline news on 3 March 2009

The largest Internet questionnaire service in Japan "Goo research"Is a portal site for children"Kids gooI went withSurvey on "Use of children's mobile phone"According to the percentage ownership of mobile phones of elementary school students as a whole, including use of "borrowed from parents only when necessary", more than 60%, more than 40% possessing and using their own mobile phones I understand.

In addition, of the elementary school students who answered "I am using e-mail on mobile phones", they seem to be using mobile phones considerably actively, such as "the rate of using 10 or more times per day" is 20.1% You can see.

So, tomorrowMarch 4. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on March 4th one year ago.

"Smithsonian Images" which can download free images of the Smithsonian museum - GIGAZINE

Future Urban Transportation System "SkyTran" - GIGAZINE

Punishment giving 124,000 roses to my wife for a miserable man will be given - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Requesting cancellation of exercises in the United States and South Korea General negotiation meeting North Korea to the United Nations army - Hokkaido Shimbun (International)(Remarking that it will not know what will happen if international exercises are canceled against missile launch preparation)

Russia Foreign Minister, North Korea's missile launch problem picture urging restrained correspondence to each country 2 pictures International News: AFPBB News(International, after dealing with what kind of correspondence, after identifying the type of missile)

Reliability, Mr. Medvedev Mr. Putin's 1-year poll - public opinion survey - Hokkaido Shimbun (International)(International, to show the strength of influence of Prime Minister Putin)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): First published for 40 years "You guys!" To abandon the number of copies - Culture(Is publication and policy debate moving to the net as well?)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): "Departures" is the first ever 25th weekly box office first place - Nikkan Sports Entertainment News - movies · music · entertainment(Entertainment, Awesome Terrorism Academy Award Effect)

All cabinet members receive benefits, agreed at a meeting: Politics: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Because politics seems to be opposed to benefit policy when declining)

Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): bird flu, why are you quail all the time? Initial first domestic response - Fresh influenza feature - Medical · health(Medicine, the key to identify the infection route can not be found)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): "Taking a picture of Kannon statue at first sight" suspected theft, fruit and mochi supper - society(Society, stolen Buddha statue was provided with banana, oranges, rice cake etc)

Successful bronze statue bid, "behind the Chinese government" late Saint Laurent Partner picture 2 international news: AFPBB News(International, there was intention of obstructing bidding by Chinese government behind)

Gandhi's takeover of the artifacts Before the auction Beijing Government of India - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)(International, the number of goods appearing at auction due to economic deterioration is increasing)

Merlion, a foothold for repair, Singapore International News: AFPBB News(Image, due to restoration work due to lightning)

Nikko: Maintenance and co-pilot are all female only "Hinamatsuri Flight" - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Image, pink reflection band is feminine)

Nathalie - Next issue "Music and Person" Posted Perfume Featuring 22 Pages(Culture, appeared on the cover of the magazine 'Music and People' released on March 5)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Yubari city, selling toilet naming rights "There is only this for resumption" - Society(Society, the toilet nomenclature used only for the semi-annual tourist season in the year is 400,000)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Tama Temple jumps, extending from the 21st on cat catch train appearance - Society(Society, a car with the motif of "Tama", the cat station station manager of Wakayama Electric Railway Takashi Station)

Baby stroller: Received SG Mark Standard Reinforcement Accident - Product Safety Association - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Including social, improving the strength of the steering wheel and making it difficult to pinch your fingers)

Techinsight >> 【Ali? Pear? 】 When I bought a plastic shopping bag, the sales of plastic bags became 10 times(Society, you can not suddenly lose things you have used)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Shopping descending at high-speed, to the high-speed "Free" Hanshin Express - Society(IT, a "stopover" system using ETC)

Call it Marie-Antoinette-like violence - a happy radio at the age of 14(Thought, "If you do not have bread you can not eat sweets" is not a solution to the problem)

Origins of English words "I" and "WHO", English research institute analyzes with supercomputer - Technobahn(By introducing cultures and supercomputers, research has been made possible by going back to 30,000 years ago)

"NS series" developer interview New challenge that au wants to inherit in the future(Developer interview of NS 02 with mobile, belt attached NS 01 and case)

Genuine Takotsubo "Speakers best suited for playing voice of Umineko" - ITmedia News(Hard, using ceramic pottery vintage octopus for speaker enclosure)

Hiroki Takagi @ Diary of my home - Tracking the getting on and off pattern of the Yamanote line with Bluetooth, how to walk in the ubiquitous society (6) Bluetooth "disclosure of the device" "make it detectable" ..(IT, Bluetooth-compatible mobile phones continue to sprinkle their behavior patterns externally depending on settings)

The 7th ■ Knowing the vulnerability generated by character encoding: ITpro(IT, various cracking becomes possible by abusing the binary sequence behind the visible characters)

Sites that can not return even if you click on the "return button" are noticed | Trend | Free video GyaO [gao] |(It may be annoying with notes, screen all over "Back" button)

Optimize web pages without cost Google Website Optimizer Utilization: MarkeZine (Marketzine)(IT, statistics of user action are displayed by randomly displaying pages of the same contents but different designs)

"Instant publication Friday" "Momentary publication Hyundai" digital signage "instant publication" experiment - ITmedia News(It is a magazine magazine that displays nets, headings every 3 seconds at a time)

Welcome to Bug Hunter(Web service that can receive 100 yen of remuneration for one net-page bug posting)

An epic castle finally becomes an animation! "Souten Passage", the decision to start broadcasting from April 2009 | Hobby | My Combi Journal(Animation, the original comic with the theme of Sangokushi is a total of 36 volumes and a total of more than 12 million copies)

System damage at the University of Tokyo hospital, worm "DOWNAD.AD" infects over 1000 units(IT, infected machines were not connected to the Internet)

A special tool to copy huge files, which is the fastest? : Tell me, you .net(By using IT and tools, you can operate without copying the hard disk at the time of copying)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: Please give me the most sour plum ume in this store.(Decide the most sour plum pickles from the four pickled plums chosen by spinning memos, supermarkets and convenience stores)

Thalidomide: Delivery, 12 institutions nationwide only Patient group of myeloma, request for improvement to Ministry of Health Made - Improvement daily (Mainichi Shimbun)(There is only one society and sales company, delivery procedures have not kept up)

People with depression tendency are strong desires for success and fame Rice research international news: AFPBB News(Medicine, people with depression tend to set higher targets than those who do not)

Antidepressants: Possibility of adverse effects not only on sexual function but also on "romance ability" | WIRED VISION(Medical, antidepressant SSRI affects hormones such as serotonin and dopamine involved in love)

Is it better to keep the basic body temperature? | Professor Naomi's Otona Nursing Section | Yolko Yolta(Health, basic body temperature refers to body temperature while sleeping, you can know the state of hormones to some extent)

Escala cafe | Money white paper ~ This theme "How many credit cards do you have?" ~(Memo, I use it for the main, but there are many people who have increased the number due to some reason)

Branding of 'actor's life end' due to sluggish drama audience rating starring Kazuya Kamenashi: Saizo woman(Entertainment, recorded on February 24 broadcasting a rating of 4.7%)

"Moving the Internet" is pretty tough | Excite News(Memo, it is an apartment with light, so if you think you can connect immediately, it is a big mistake)

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Headline news on 2nd March 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log