Headline news on 24th December 2008

Mobile phones are becoming more multifunctional, such as smartphones and one-segment broadcasting, but contrary to that, only the minimum necessary functionsThe support rate of simple phones is steadily risingIt seems. Speaking of simple phones, the image used by elderly people is strong, but even in their twenties, over 40% of people support simple phones, and it can be seen that there are many people who do not need so many functions. Especially in the twenties, there are many people who emphasize design, so it may be that the simple cell phone that emphasizes design is increasing in the future.

So, tomorrowDecember 25. On December 25th one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

Actually, GIGAZINE editorial department has become a fire - GIGAZINE

My husband is stabbed by my husband who opened Christmas gifts earlier than planned - GIGAZINE

Top 10 most expensive "Tequila" in the world Top 10 - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
2 Channel usage time, "from work" 30% - ITmedia News(There is little use of video sharing site such as memo and YouTube in the workplace)

Commercial drugs: net sales restrictions Cold medicines, etc. are prohibited ... Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare decision - every day jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(Note, not only cold medicine but also traditional Chinese medicine net sales become a violation of law)

About 80% of people experiencing computer virus infection "I think I have a route" - I Share Research(Note, a concrete example of virus infection is "access to specific site" "download of file")

Where is Santa Claus going? - Google and NORAD, to follow up on tracking in 2008: Marketing - CNET Japan(Internet service, tracking of Santa Claus's footing around the world starting from the North Pole using Google Map)

IPhone nano picture announced at Macworld, draining on the net: mobile channel - CNET Japan(Mobile, when I saw the picture, the size and the thickness were smaller one size)

Questionnaire: Who is a famous IT industry industry you want to drink with? : News - CNET Japan(You may not know what to tell if you make a note, in front of real eyes)

Matsumoto Jun, dissatisfied with the concert in China! But "It was fun": Saiseyuman(Performance, appearance of employment during rehearsal etc. It was a continuation of troubles, but the concert itself was successful and satisfied.)

Creation of a "super cheap talent" planned by major entertainment professional heavyweights: daily Saizo(It seems that it is becoming important to train gala talents that television stations are easy to use due to entertainment and reduction in the production cost of television stations)

I think that we can forgive even if the boyfriends are different Values ​​ranking ranking - goo ranking(Although it can be forgotten about memos and lifestyle, strict opinion on money and mutual relationship)

Is there a possibility that I will go backward if I miss it? Overseas women's more aggressive women than Japanese | Trend | Free video GyaO [gao] |(Love, there are many things that are likely to make you laugh when you look at Japanese)

Now on the net is unprecedented "Chikuzen Braised" boom!? That Wake is? [Nico Nico Douga of the Week] | Trend | Free Videos GyaO [Gao] |(Memo, popularity soared from the place where excellent lyrics rhyming "Love story suddenly" was written in 2 chan, and it was uploaded to Nico Nico video)

You can drop and convert all video sharing sites (including YouTubeHD) Bywifi: Tell me you .net(Software, you can basically download movie files from any shared site)

Parents' Santa countermeasure & parting with Santa | Excite News(Note, there are many parents who think that "Although it is noticeable, it reads and matches the air")

"My wife's affair" is because of my husband? | Male Recovery ~ Want to look up to the man ~ | Diamond Online(Note, it is important to pretend your wife as a woman to prevent the wife's cheating)

If you think "a cold or not" .... "Hot chicken soup" works better than market medicine!? | Get to know! Body and heart's "Health Navi" | Diamond Online(Note, even hot drinks are effective to some extent, but chicken soup has the effect of improving the symptoms of a cold by suppressing immune cell migration)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: experiment! How many kilometers can I run liter(Experiment on where you can run with 1 liter each of memo, water · banana juice · wider in jelly)

30% vegetables outside the standard, Oishix "irregular vegetables" suddenly increased sales in December: MarkeZine (Marketzin)(Note, if July is assumed to be 100%, it is rapidly increasing to 150% in December)

Panasonic, what will happen with Sanyo acquisition Future stock price: Column - CNET Japan(Economy, view that it seems better to be prepared to temporarily break down the 1000 yen mark)

Mothers arrested: "Rotten water" mixed with drip of 1 year old daughter: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Note, it is thought that there is a possibility of mental illness trying to attract surrounding interest to mother)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): company employee wrestlers, skill bones in the neck skill trained during exercise - society(Accident, failure to landing and falling from the head to the matting cause of death)

President Bush aimed shoes, rush to order in Turkey 370,000 pairs already NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net)(It seems that you applied for trademark registration as a memo, "Bye-bye-Bush" model)

Renai Tec: What is the true intention of a man who does not celebrate an important anniversary? - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(Love, since I do not have confidence I love it, I feel like I do not want to leave 'evidence of dating')

Mr. Obama in the Oath of Bible Used by Lincoln - MSN Sankei News(Memo, it will be inauguration ceremony of Lincoln making, such as entering Washington by taking a special train from Philadelphia of Declaration of Independence of the United States)

Business confidence index of large enterprises, the worst negative in the past minus 35 · 7 - 47 NEWS (Yenana News)(The economy and the Ministry of Finance are expected to continue minus until the April-June quarter of next year)

Current affairs dot: Comment on former president sentenced to prison = "Brand disappeared, adversely affected" - Eikan Chicken fake indication · Akita district court(Memo, defense appeal appealed due to improper sentencing)

AV actress is dating association! "NON STYLE" of the M-1 victory Scandal to Inoue as soon as possible! Back art(Entertainment, declare a relationship with Yuusuke Inoue of NON STYLE at mixi)

Escala cafe | 【Actual Condition of Working Girls】 Everyone is quite one person. One girls Christmas [Actual condition of working girls](Note, the town is in Christmas mode, but if you return home it is the same as usual so it is not lonely than I thought)

"SUPERWEAR DUEL ONLINE" beta version starts at Square Enix Members - Famitsu.com(Card games recorded in games, "Chocobo and Magical Picture Book" series etc. are converted into online games)

Microsoft Extends the Term License Expiration Date for "Windows XP" for SMEs: News - CNET Japan(Note, extended from 31 January 2009 to 30 May 2009)

J-CAST News: Shincho "expired cake sale" coverage Fujiya completely denied(Memo, "Fujiya answered" We surveyed in-house in November but neither health damage nor sale of expired items "

Painful television: The president of subcontractor committed suicide by Fuji production cost 75% cut(It seems that the memo and the industry association rebounded and it seems that it fell to 50% cut, but it is still tight)

Business Media Makoto: CM King, Queen of 2008, Anoans(Entertainment, Becky is Dantots even with Male and Female)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): People feast, "Poison" for pets attention to leftovers leftovers - food and cooking(Pet, chocolate · xylitol · avocado · coffee · macadamia nut · onion · dried grapes · garlic etc.)

"Ice Christmas Tree" delivers warmth: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Note, there were about 300 orders from all over the country)

Waste, Homo valve, Millimeter ...? I do not know Abbreviations Ranking: Marketing - CNET Japan(I wanted you to give an explanation of memos and abbreviations)

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Headline news on December 22, 2008 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log