Headline news on September 2, 2009
As a result of conducting a questionnaire about "rewards for myself" to women working as temporary employees,More than 90% of people give rewards for themselvesIt seems that it turned out to be understood. It seems most of the reasons for raising rewards are that they raise their rewards because they do not over stress due to "switching stress dissipation / feelings" or "a sense of self-confidence" .
It is getting hard to spend money on rewards for yourself due to the recession, but it may be better to give a reward to yourself in order to keep motivation.
So, tomorrowSeptember 3. On September 3, one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.
■Points to remember when doing holidays 6 - GIGAZINE
■Character judgment based on what you drink at a cafe during dating - GIGAZINE
■What is CM of Calvin Klein who was too sexy to be broadcast prohibited? - GIGAZINE
Today's headline news.
■A depression can be seen from population movement of "otaku"!? I tried to understand the current Nippon in Japan's nationwide population distribution chart | Trend | Free video GyaO [gao] |(It is supposed to reach 50% only in the net service, the Kanto / Tokai region)
■Everyone's Today's Treatment - You can search for seven-year cooking recipes and menus broadcast at NHK "Kyoto's Delivery Service"!(There is no mistake to be a reference for dishes with food, beautiful photos and recipes)
■Self Defense Force "Just Personal Information": Kagoshima: Region: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(The incident, the opinion that the SDF Kagoshima District Cooperation Headquarters "There is no military confidentiality, it is not a big problem")
■Horiemon's budget defense is too miserable(Politics, "I just want to say that Komeito is more comfortable than crowds and bothersome citizens and people's national news")
■Daily thread guide: 【voice actor】 Tange Sakura returns to TV anime voice actor with "Ayamaru Detective Kilmin Wha" in October(Voice actor, returning to TV anime for the first time in about 10 years)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Canceling battle helicopter order "50 billion yen payment" Fuji Heavy Industries, requesting - Politics(License fee for domestic production of military, Boeing attack helicopter "Apache" domestically) has not been paid)
■What is "Band man in the brain" where girls also don? | Sgororen(Note, enumerating the characteristics of "Brain Man in the Brain" that behaves like a bandman although you can not play instruments)
■9 male tone patterns disliked from men and improvement plan | Otome Goreng(Memo, improving man's tone that sometimes gets out with females)
■Country where Japan hits 100 million yen once every 2 days! - Tokyo Walker(Note, because there are various lottery tickets in Japan, it is surprisingly high winning ratio when all together)
■Tired skin measures at the end of the summer - [Women's health] All About(Beauty, summer is over and even if ultraviolet rays weaken, carelessness is a big enemy)
■How to apologize · How to ask - [Speaking skills · Telling skills] All About(Work technique, coping method for when failing)
■"It is not a job that can be done only by admiration!" "Xebius" Developers Explain "Student's Work" to Students - Digital - Nikkei Trendy Net(It is a spirit of a story of content that you do not know unless you step forward, such as work, management of intellectual property rights, business of legal affairs and ethics, business related to foreign companies)
■"Wii Internet Channel" Free of Charge Nintendo Focus on Expanding Wii's Internet Connection - ITmedia Gamez(One Nintendo software is given with a virtual console for 500 Wii points for users purchased for games and charged users)
■About 4 years and 8 months, after the first time in 242 weeks, iPod loses its share to Walkman(Hardware, iPod users were dispersed by iPhone is also one factor)
■"Underestimated load" - Google, explain the cause of Gmail failure - ITmedia News(Net service, Google will take measures such as increasing the request router and comment)
■"Michelin guide 2010" release date first Kyoto · Osaka version released October 16 news - Oricon ranking of net securities · car insurance(Book, it seems that researchers seem to be infiltrated by ordinary customers two years ago)
■A movie capturing the appearance of Michael Jackson 's death just before the death is decided! - CDJournal.com news(Entertainment, a movie composed of valuable footage containing the tremendous scenery and Michael's real face that had gone just before the death)
■Super excavation! Live action version "Astro Boy" beyond 50 years miracle to be the first DVD - CDJournal.com News(DVD, shocking final live-action version Astro Boy released for a limited time as a memento of Tezuka Osamu's birth 80)
■The color of underwear of Wada Akiko is "beige", unnecessary information: Saizo Woman(It seems that it was a slightly good story that I talked about at the show "Inaya Shisa", which shows a little nice talk ...)
■The Beatles: Top 10 songs of The Beatles selling best in the UK, unexpectedly known / BARKS news(Music, half singled from 1963 to 1964)
■"There is no person in the middle!" Gifu prefecture gero police station's frog "Geroppi" is popular | trend | free video GyaO [gao] |(Sightseeing, like a new kind of Kamen Rider)
■Love is from choosing pants. Get a love luck with "pants diary"! | Trend | Free video GyaO [gao] |(PANTS MANAGEMENT SERVICE that can manage what kind of underpants wearing when you meet anyone)
■Father who made a genuine cannon for his son's 11th birthday gifts - Slashdot Japan(It is awesome to actually make it because it is said that overseas cannons are wanted)
■Bitches of work in 'Mixi', disposal of female police officers: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(It seems that people who restricted social and diary browsing subject but also common people)
■Dobukuro Curry, Newly Available at Yamagata Hotel: Economic News: Money / Economy: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Although food and alcohol are skipped, strong flavor and beef flavor tangle together to make it a rich flavor)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Comedy Combination "Comedy No.1", Dissolution - Culture(Entertainment, Maeda Goro's decision of Nakata Kause intimidation resolved to break up as a trigger)
■【MLB】 Ichiro, a winning return warfare - MSN Sankei News(Baseball, a good result of 2 hits of 5 shots)
■78 million yen for each cash transport car theft Fukuoka, the driver riders - 47 NEWS (Yona no Toshi news)(The case, he found a stolen transport vehicle, but he said that there was no cash)
■Ikemen South Korea Hotel · Hotel Con test(Memo, unique contest contest)
■Looks like "Norton", fake software "Nortel Antivirus" circulates - INTERNET Watch(Security, PC screen changes to blue screen when infected, message that spyware is infected is displayed)
■Business Media Makoto: I've introduced "cute" friends, but ... can not trust women's "cute"? (1/2)(Memo, men expect "outward things", but women are misleading because they use the word "cute" in "total meaning")
■J-CAST News: Nikkei Newspaper, the first deficit to June, June Interim consolidated settlement of accounts(Economy, digital revenues declined besides advertisement revenue sounds)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Dogs who ate bread on the street Detecting insecticide ingredients to die Kumamoto - Society(Society, the detected insecticide is a deleterious substance called methomyl, but it seems that it is marketed by agricultural cooperatives and home centers)
■Earthquake of M 7 · 4 in the Indian Ocean south of Java: International: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Disaster, appearance that the impact of the tsunami to Japan due to this earthquake does not appear)
■Why is earpick being sold beside cashier at bookstore (Excite Bit Connecter) | Excite News(It seems that you do not know the reason why the store clerk himself is being sold)
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Headline news on September 1, 2009 - GIGAZINE
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