The Real Size "20th Century Boy" Mod Of A World-famous Piece Of Art "The Tower Of The Sun"

A promotional event of the movie "20th Century Boy Chapter 2 - Saigo no Kibou(The Last Hope)", the second story of the trilogy adapted from Naoki Urasawa's manga, was held at the Expo Memorial Park, Osaka. For the event, they modded Taro Okamoto's "The Tower Of The Sun" into "The Tower Of Tomodachi" which appears in the movie.
The modification was made on "the sun of the present", in the middle of the tower, and "the sun of the future", on top of the tower. They used a huge baloon, 11.5 meters(about 37 feet) in diameter and a 200 ton(about 440 lb.) "Tomodachi" symbol hunged by crane. It cost 80 million yen (about 870 thousand USD) and was exhibited for only a day to be removed on the next day.
Read on for reviews and a lot of photos.
Parking lot of the Expo Memorial Park. The tower can be seen in distance.

So many visitors taking photos and passing by.

Huge and bizzare.


Looking down.

Now approaching as near as we can.

Trees enhance the contrast.

Central entrance of the park.

Watching you.

The long line of the invited.

Gradually approaching.

Yomiuri TV crews.

Realizing its hugeness.

Information of this promotional event.

We will go clockwise around the tower.

The lighting booth blocks our sight.

Going closer.

"Tomodachi" tent.

Upper half of the baloon.


"Tomodachi" symbol on top.

Weired antenna-like object.

Hung by crane.

More cameras.

Expo Land, closed due to the roller coaster accident in 2007.

Camera crews

The way "The Tower Of The Sun" used to be.

Explanation board of photovoltaic generation system.

Really magnificent view.

At the foot of the tower.

From the back.

Becoming obvious

Well describes how they hung the symbol.

Operator stationed in the crane.

Looks like the whole tower is hung by the crane.

Detail construction


Ultimate-weapon like figure.

Really huge.

Fire extinguishers placed in the middle of the plaza.

Maybe some fireworks for the finale.

Helicopters Circling over the tower.

No modification in the back.


Baloon closeup

Backlight gives it a punch

Good looking.

Pointed nose.

Where is a laser cannon?

"Tomodachi" TV car

Kind of surrealistic

Camouflaged wire.

Explored Explored.

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