A couple who produced twice the probability of a few million, twin of black skin and white skin twice

A British couple who gave birth of black skin and white skin in 2001 gave birth to twins of black skin and white skin again. Although probabilistically it is not zero, it seems to be a tremendous rare case.

Details are as below.
Twins born: One black, one white | NECN

Twins born between Black father Dean Durrant and White mother Alison Spooner in 2001 were unusual twins that each had black skin and white skin, but again black skin and white skin It seems that twins have joined the family.

Lauren-chan (left) and Hayleigh-chan (right) born in 2001

Father Dean

Mother Alison

New family members became Miya with black skin with Leah-chan with white skin.

The doctor tells us that it is probably several millionths of a twin with skin of different color twice, both Dean and Alison are surprised.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log