Headline news on December 16, 2008

It is almost time for me that the old year is getting closer, but at the online Apple Store onlineLucky bag (Lucky Bag) starts reservation from today.It was done. The number of sales is 200 pieces and the price is 35,000 yen. It seems that the latest Apple products and accessories carefully selected by the staff and Apple original goods of not for sale are included. By the way last yearThere are 3 types of online version educational bags, It seems that iPod nano and iPod touch came in.

So, tomorrowDecember 17. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on December 17th one year ago.

Photos and movies of "Undie Run" where students run around campus in underwear appearance - GIGAZINE

Cosplay photo that reproduces eyes unique to animation realistically - GIGAZINE

Santa's movie that decides to kick by turning a mischievous man in the streets - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Winter bonus, more than half of those in their 40s use "used" from "savings" - job change / dispatch · career's Oricon rankings(Memo, "People who responded that" the amount of savings is high "was the woman in her 30's)

Google dropped out of the top 20 companies in the US - Reliability survey on consumer privacy protection: News - CNET Japan(Business was ranked 10th in ranking in 2007)

People who think "Internet is more important than sex" are increasing - US survey: marketing - CNET Japan(Memo, women more emphasize the Internet than sex)

What is the future of industry / change? Internet usage of the accelerating mass media - FujiSankei Business i./Bloomberg GLOBAL FINANCE(Services to make it possible to see the newspaper via the net and the net start one after another)

Is it okay to do so? : Fujitsu peeled FMV-BIBLO NW - ITmedia + D PC USER(Hardware, demonstration of dismantling notebook PC of spring model)

Reprinted version of Casio "Databank", American reporter also enthusiastic fan | WIRED VISION(Hardware, geek wristwatch that can input data)

One in ten people uses file sharing software - ACCS and others survey: Marketing - CNET Japan(Software, more than 10% for the first time since the survey began)

One in four users of file sharing software experience experienced obtaining leaked files - Hitachi Group Survey - Se - ZDNet Japan(Security, most commonly used "Winny")

Private Recording and Recording Subcommittee: iPod bills that are settled in "download illegalize" are "unable to agree" - ITmedia News(Compensation fee charge for copyright, iPod etc. is carried over)

Breaking News / Louis Vuitton withdraws store opening "The world's largest" Ginza Primary building - FujiSankei Business i./Bloomberg GLOBAL FINANCE(Business, seeing stores that were supposed to become the world's largest people in the recession)

A popular search word for children is "rice" - Yahoo! Kitsu survey - japan.internet.com Web marketing(It is predicted that the net and rice will be learned in lesson)

Annoying risk of child pornography "blocking"? Internet - Latest news: IT-PLUS(Net and album jacket images are also blocking)

"Stop at electric wire" can also be used, ultra-small flying robot of insect size: video | WIRED VISION(Hardware, military is also interested in diversion to biological weapons)

Published the criteria to evaluate SNS operators' consideration for children "- Net Use Study Group | Internet | My Communication Journal(Evaluate the site side consideration divided into five levels)

Window Forever - 【REVIEW】 Hand-drawn letter font group "Sandy" with white characters painted roughly(Software, handwritten fancy taste font)

The second waste of meal, how much can you scrape? | R25(Lifestyle, saving technique to increase deposit balance)

First place does not suit the sofa - irresponsible reason to throw away dogs Top 10 | Life | My comic journal(Memo, excuse enough to wonder whether you really want to throw away for this reason)

For the first time outside the Earth: Successful "Shooting Liquid" | WIRED VISION(Memo, taken by Saturn's satellite Titan)

"TV commercials" to know the announcement of the latest portable models are the largest and less than 40% - japan.internet.com Daily research(Mobile, homepage of mobile phone company "second place and below" "News such as portal site", "Advertisement of newspaper / newspaper" about 25%)

CNN.co.jp: The death toll of Zimbabwe's cholera, announced by the United Nations approaching 1000 people(Note, 978 deaths caused by cholera at the 15th announcement)

"Secret tunnel" sells Former shelter shelter in London - MSN Sankei News(Memo, evacuation facility made in 1942)

Hanshin Shinkin, the first digit back number in 29 years "2" and "4" appearance of expectation (1/2 page) - MSN Sankei News(Sports, Shibata Kohei and Kamimoto Hiroyuki got one digit's number)

J-League official fan site "spirit photography" riot - football - SANSPO.COM(Sports, a person in charge explained that just a part of another player's body was reflected)

Tea Fairy: Overseas animation fans talk "Let me hear about your Christmas schedule" - livedoor Blog (blog)(There are many people who have schedule because there are overseas because of notes, memos)

Bush's video where shoes were thrown already reached 5 million views on YouTube(Memo, popular bush in a bad meaning)

"Shoe-thrower reporter is a hero" Demonstrations released everywhere I am released ... Iraq: International: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Memo, the Iraqi government condemned reporters' acts as "barbaric")

CNN.co.jp: Mayor of overtime work until late night to withdraw "11 o'clock night" United States(Memorandum of withdrawal in consideration of safety of mayor Figueroa Mayor)

Does the game music blog "Stand-by Hard 5 Years Cycle Theory" collapse?(Gaming, it's customary that it will be replaced in 2 to 3 years)

Ore game game report @ Blade: old game screen collection that became a trauma(Game, old game was also a lot of severe scenarios)

"Rozen Maiden" authors are hospitalized due to sudden illness, closed all serial works Worried about Prime Minister Aso! News - ORICON STYLE -(Manga, "Rozen Maiden"
ZOMBIE - LOAN "" Shugo Chara! "At the same time)

An audience rating of 20% or more is a proposition! "Misayoshibo" is dramaized again, the original author · Tetsu Yazeya expresses the news -ORICON STYLE-(Drama, original author confession in blog)

Variety Japan | The 5th "Terminator" starts as early as possible(Movie, Terminator 4 will be released in summer 2009)

The 24th: Soon in 2009! Year-end and New Year holidays What is the trend of movies and the remarkable work? - Hollywood channel speaking of the movies -(Movie, long trips are easy to introduce a masterpiece)

Like a good-looking woman, there is "ei cattle" Excite news(Food, professional seems to be able to taste delicious cattle in appearance)

Is fasting a source of long life? Kyoto University Experiment: Science: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun) to 1.5 times the lifespan of nematodes(It is unknown whether food, even human beings)

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Headline news on Monday, December 15, 2008

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log