"蒟蒻 fields" are in line with poison dumplings and NOVA? Consumer groups want Mannan Life to stop selling restart

Last week at the GIGAZINE, a boy who ate on the 20th of September, who had eaten what he frozen, killed jelly and killed the jelly and suffered an accident that killed herself, Mannan life of the manufacturer newly change the quality of jellyRestart sales of "蒟蒻 ield" that posted sentence of great alert on the surface of the packageI told you that it has become clear that consumer groups are requesting to see off their sale restarts.

Also, the problem of konnyaku jelly is that for consumer organizations, so-called "Poison dumpling"Problem or broken English conversation school"NOVAIt seems that it is thought to be a case that is in line with the contract problem of "

Details are as follows.
Konnyaku jelly: Consumer group seeking sale restart - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)

According to the Mainichi Shimbun news report, in response to Mannan Life's resumption of the sales of "蒟蒻 ield", 66 national organizations consisting of 66 national conferences on the realization of the new administrative organization (UNICA Net) will be the manufacturer It seems that they requested that manufacturers and sales be suspended until safety is confirmed.

According to the statement, only 22 fatal accidents occurred, it was pointed out that there are defects in the shape of the mini cup container to be inhaled and eaten, after having conducted the safety testing of new products to the administrative agencies, It is said that they are requesting to publish data.

Unika net

And according to the official page of "Unica net" which announced the statement this time, Unika net is aimed at making a new organization on the consumer's point of view, and is working on food damage, disguise indication, product accident, damage caused by malicious commercial law etc. That's right. And the problem of this jelly jelly is said to be "terrible food damage" along with drug contamination to dumplings (so-called "poisonous dumpling" problem) as follows.

● Drug contamination in dumplings, konnyaku jelly, etc ... Horrible food damage
● Meat Hope, Housing Building Materials, Recycled Paper Rate ... ... Disguised Not to Lose
● Fan heater, gas water heater, shredder ... ... Painful product accident
● NOVA, loco London trading, Yamato city trust property ... ... large scale malicious commercial deal damage

In addition, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, which states that "There is no problem on food hygiene" against the jelly problem, "Vertical division administration" like the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, which states that "There is no problem with raw material display and shape can not be regulated." In order to give priority to industrial development, the Ministry of Industry criticizes the fact that the cancellation system of the failed English conversation school "NOVA" is regarded as "no problem".

Mannan Life Co., Ltd. | There is a reason for the shape of the heart

According to the mannan life page according to the statement of Unika net, "Inhale and ingest minicup containers have a defect in shape etc", but according to the page of mannan life, even if it does not inhale from 7 years ago from the bottom of the container Because it employs a heart-shaped container so that it can be eaten by pinching and extruding, it seems that it does not mean "to inhale and eat" in the first place.

Mannan Life Co., Ltd. | Information on resumption of production of "Uchibata potion type"

And, according to the release of Mannan life, according to the decisions in "One-type type Konnyaku jelly jelly accident prevention measures" compiled by three industries under the notification of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for the resumption of this sale, "蒟蒻 ield" In addition to putting a warning mark in front of the package of the package, we added a warning message "Do not freeze" on the back side warning display, and also put a warning mark in individual packaging. And in addition to the arrangements of trade associations, we further reduced voluntarily konjak flour.

The front of the package looks something like this. Noticeable noticeable.

In the notice on the back side, "Add stiffness when freezing" is added.

Warning marks are also posted on individual packages.

It is Mannan Life who not only complied with the arrangements of industry groups but introduced accident prevention measures voluntarily, but will it be postponed to resume sales of "蒟蒻 ield" in response to this statement ...?

in Note,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log