"Maniwa", a light, strong, and "green" wooden sports car
Titaniums and carbons are only for ordinaly sports car lover. The green driver should prefer wooden sports cars. Japanese manufacturer Sada Kenbi based in Maniwa, Okayama made their wooden sport car "MANIWA" to prove that the use of woods aren't limited for furnitures and houses. It is authorised as a street-legal car and can run as fast as 80km/h(about 50 mph).
Here are some photos of MANIWA's public exhibition.
Sada Kenbi factory. Exihibition is on the first floor of the building.
Two wooden super car "MANIWA"
Steering is like the one on motorcycle.
Compact disk player on board.
License plate proves that MANIWA is a street-legal vehicle.
The seat seems too hard to sit on for long time. You may need some cushions.
Cool wooden wheel cap.
The price is 3.9 million yen(about 43 thousand dollars).
MANIEA for kids. No engine inside, though.
Toy-car size MANIWA.
Products from their real job. The furniture.
MANIWA on newspapers and TV shows.
Cheers and applause for meisters!
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