Rush into the sixth year, the new series of PreCure will be decided as "Fresh Pretty Cure!"
TV anime for girls who began with "Futari wa Pretty Cure" in 2004Pretty Cure"It is clear that the possibility that the latest series title of the series will be" Fresh Pretty Cure! "Is very high.
By analogy from the time when we shifted from the previous series "Yes! PreCure 5" to "Yes! PreCure 5 Go Go!" Currently being broadcasted, "Fresh PreCure!" Was broadcasted between January 2009 and February 2009 That's right.
Details are as follows.
According to trademark search of the "Electronic Electronic Library" web site operated by Independent Administrative Institution Industrial Property Information · Training Center, trademark for "Fresh PreCure!" Was filed with the Patent Office on October 15, 2008 is.
Electronic library - trademark search
Select "Trademark Gazette DB", enter "4" in the document type and "2008-83652" in the reference number to display the reference number, the following result will be obtained.

If this is the case, the "PreCure" series will enter the sixth year beyond the "Sailor Moon" series which lasted five years, but what kind of content will it become?
I am also concerned about whether the main character will be renewed like "Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star" which is the third work of the series.
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