Precure's new series is set to "Yes! PreCure 5 Go Go!"

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A new series title of the Toei girls' TV animation "Precure" series that began in 2004 is "Yes! PreCure 5 Go Go!It is said to have decided to. The current series will be completed between January and February 2008, and will start after receiving the rest.

Details are as follows.
Yes! Precure 5 GOGO!

The "Precure" series is an animation broadcasting on the ABC line since Sunday morning at 8:30 that began after 2004, following "tomorrow's naja", now "Yes! PreCure 5" is on air.

Asahi Broadcasting | Yes! PreCure 5

Although the targets of the series are mainly girls from kindergarten to elementary school junior high school girls, the contents are not limited to the conventional animation for girls, and the completion degree was also high, so the popularity of a wide range of people was gathered. Originally it was the concept of "two people", but from the second work "Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart" three people fought and in the final stage of the third work "Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star" four people fight became. At this point it was two people who named pretty cure from the beginning, but from the current series "Yes! Precure 5" there are five PreCure and it is like a squadron thing.

Details about the contents of the new series are unknown, apparently it seems to be in the form of a sequel to the current series. There are two junior high school third graders in Precure, but it is worrisome whether members are going to graduate normally as a new series or as the same grades like Doraemon.

By the way, besides girls, men around 19 to 30 years old seem to be targeting.

Pya! What is the main target of "Futari wa Pretty Cure"

in Anime, Posted by logc_nt