Too much painful "Vegetarian Festival" in Phuket
A lot of pictures taken of the "vegetarian festival" being held in Phuket.Lunar calendarIn the ninth lunar month to be held in the lunar month, it is a festival to pursue health and happiness · peace by purging the body and soul through thorough vegetarian diet, but the ceremony done here is very painful, It looks like I'm getting hurting to seeing you.
I've blurred because of the shock image, but when I click on the image I can get a blur.
Pictures of shock are as follows.
Oh ... Ouch!
I am watching It hurts
stop it…
What on earth are these people doing?
The sensation has started to paralyze
Please forgive me already ...
You can see other pictures from below.
Phuket Vegetarian Festival - Not for the faint hearted!
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log