Impact movies showing women who started using in convenience stores

A movie taken with a security camera in a drunk woman entering a convenience store's 7-Eleven store and adding it as it is in the store. Women are walking around the shop while touching the cell phone in the form of a bikini, suddenly squat down into the aisle and add the use. It is strange that the clerk did not notice whether it was supposed to be hidden from the cash register on the shelf.

Although I am drunk, I can not believe it is an action to do in the shop.

The movie is from the following.
Drunk girl pees in 7-11 Video

A woman who came in in the form of a bikini touched his cell phone.

Suddenly, I started adding squatting and usage.

It's like wiping out what's done. Hmm? It looked like I did not have anything but a cell phone, Maka or No ...!

Raise your bikini up.

As it is, fade out as if nothing. I can not think.

This is an event in the US Seven Eleven.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log