Headline news on October 21, 2008
Local hero of Tsukuba city, Ibaraki prefecture, was arrested for copyright violationSpace-time warrior IberigerToI got a summary order for a fine of 1 million yenThat's right. The man who was dressed as an Ibarrager was also making costumes from his usual age, collaborating with a male doctor in Aichi prefecture and making a TV program "Juken Sentai GekirangerWe copied and sold costumes without consent, arrested at the end of last month by selling at net auction. We have commented that Toei who filed a complaint does not deny cosplay culture.
So, tomorrowOctober 22. On October 22, one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.
■"Old-Versions.net" that can download older version software - GIGAZINE
■Default password list of various network equipment etc - GIGAZINE
■Supermodel wearing brilliant "water dress" - GIGAZINE
Today's headline news.
■E-mail tends to lie more than handwriting - Ameba News [Ameba news](There was a big difference in the experiment results between the memo and the letter group and the mail group)
■FujiSankei Business i./Bloomberg GLOBAL FINANCE: Participating in the metabolic market with industry / latest technology Sony, Hitachi, DoCoMo etc(How healthy will the metabolic market expand?)
■Technique to erase broadcast prohibited terms in real time, MS acquires patents - ITmedia News(Memo, it seems that you can erase or modify words automatically)
■40% for the function of the mobile phone terminal, 20% dissatisfied with the design ali - Eye share research - japan.internet.com Web marketing(Mobile, "au" 40% of users answer "dissatisfied")
■FujiSankei Business i./Bloomberg GLOBAL FINANCE: Industry / Women's Wigs Expanding demand Hidden without fun(Memo, sales more than triple compared to two years ago)
■Everyday Yue Giho: "Kokoro" drawn by Sho Koen is still a problem of hiding - ITmedia + D Games(Note, it looks like a completely different mascot)
■FujiSankei Business i./Bloomberg GLOBAL FINANCE: The growing company · VB / Broadmedia is the first big campaign Next to the Korean drama "LATEDORA"(Note, popular drama created in Latin countries popular on the net)
■Changing consumer sentiment and retail business: Supermarket behind the house, but shopping online (1/3) - ITmedia Enterprise(There is merit to buy it on the net even if life, shipping fee is added)
■Business Media Makoto: BMW launches electric vehicle "MINI E" in the US market(Can drive over 240 kilometers by car, one charge)
■CNN.co.jp: UK Ministry of Defense, UFO eyewitness testimonials released to 1992 for six years(Memo, the first bullet released a document until 1987)
■About 40% of people connecting speakers to home computers - japan.internet.com Daily Research(There are quite a few people who change the viewing method with notes, music and images)
■Gun Sword Law Amendment Proposal: Dagger Knife etc. Prohibited Possession of Cabinet Decision - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Memo, swords with blades of 5.5 cm or more and less than 15 cm are subject to possession prohibition)
■"Fake Crime Information Exchange Site" operated by FBI, arresting 56 people for 2 years of undercover | Internet | My Combi Journal(The operator of the information exchange site such as security, card number was an agent of FBI)
■Even French president damages cybercrime - japan.internet.com Web technology(Note, someone draws money from the president's bank account)
■Browser.js [Issue 29] What are the four effective ways to deceive people?(Note, you need to know how to deceive in order not to be deceived)
■One third of heart disease, possibility of junk food cause = research | global speech | Reuters(Junk food causes about one-third of health, heart disease)
■Meiji University, the domestic university introduces the largest storage system: RBB TODAY (broadband information site)(Hardware, 212 TB Windows file server)
■Linear "straight route" possible, JR Tokai reports to the LDP: Economic news: Money · Economy: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(3 routes including railway and straight route can be constructed)
■Material "Bucky Paper" which is 500 times stronger than 10 times lighter than steel, commercial production is in range> WIRED VISION(Note, although it is a powerful character, but manufacturing is somewhat difficult)
■From elephant to bacteria, "energy consumption per weight" is common | WIRED VISION(Compare notes, metabolic rate of animals and plants at rest)
■When switching to "disaster response type" vending machine | Excite News(Note, vending machine where drinks come out free in case of disaster)
■"Aqua Notes Holiday Hidden Record" Review: To the world of fancy science! Unlock mysteries hidden in the South Sea coral reefs (1/2) - ITmedia + D Games(Game has more game elements than the previous series)
■That's it! Kanamori 16th Nintendo What is the strategy hidden in DSi? | GLOBIS.JP(Read the meaning of the game, no rush additional functions)
■Information leakage by electromagnetic waves at keyboard typing, researchers in Switzerland demonstrate(Security, weak electromagnetic waves generated when hitting keys are analyzed)
■@nifty: Daily portal Z: How Kyoto is Kyoto(Travel, visit one of the small Kyoto in various parts of Japan)
■Light torii also appears! - Light up event "Akarium" held at Meiji Shrine | Life | My com journal(Memo, events on October 31 and November 1 only)
■Hanshin Koshien stadium: Remove the silver umbrella and "naked" ... Under repair work - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Memo, more than 20 years ago)
■Which of the following beauties is a living human being? - Purupupon Suspension(It is difficult to distinguish when it is a memo or a photograph)
■Three men died fatigue in Guinea police officers selection test | Speech of the world | Reuters(Note, considerable harshness though it is a test)
■I see the game board! The Vampire Series is the treasure of the Great Game World(Games, settings and stories were also fun)
■Latest animation information: "Kannagi" broadcast on BS Japan is decided!(Anime, BS 11 Digital "Kannagi" which was broadcast suspended broadcasted by BS Japan)
■Kanemonroblock: I tried ordering(Memo, during campaign with postcard attached to pizza)
■Both meal and shime together! In Shibuya, "ramen rice" is new classic - Tokyo Walker(Rice is poured into the soup remaining after eating ramen)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): I drank the world's first canned wine - "God's drop" Author's Nomurie diary - food and cuisine(Food, canned wine drunk by author of wine cartoon)
■Completed "apple beer" in collaboration with bakery | Excite news(Food and raw baked apple made with bakery)
· Previous headline
Headline news on Monday, October 20, 2008
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