Headline news on October 21, 2008

Local hero of Tsukuba city, Ibaraki prefecture, was arrested for copyright violationSpace-time warrior IberigerToI got a summary order for a fine of 1 million yenThat's right. The man who was dressed as an Ibarrager was also making costumes from his usual age, collaborating with a male doctor in Aichi prefecture and making a TV program "Juken Sentai GekirangerWe copied and sold costumes without consent, arrested at the end of last month by selling at net auction. We have commented that Toei who filed a complaint does not deny cosplay culture.

So, tomorrowOctober 22. On October 22, one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

"Old-Versions.net" that can download older version software - GIGAZINE

Default password list of various network equipment etc - GIGAZINE

Supermodel wearing brilliant "water dress" - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
E-mail tends to lie more than handwriting - Ameba News [Ameba news](There was a big difference in the experiment results between the memo and the letter group and the mail group)

FujiSankei Business i./Bloomberg GLOBAL FINANCE: Participating in the metabolic market with industry / latest technology Sony, Hitachi, DoCoMo etc(How healthy will the metabolic market expand?)

Technique to erase broadcast prohibited terms in real time, MS acquires patents - ITmedia News(Memo, it seems that you can erase or modify words automatically)

40% for the function of the mobile phone terminal, 20% dissatisfied with the design ali - Eye share research - japan.internet.com Web marketing(Mobile, "au" 40% of users answer "dissatisfied")

FujiSankei Business i./Bloomberg GLOBAL FINANCE: Industry / Women's Wigs Expanding demand Hidden without fun(Memo, sales more than triple compared to two years ago)

Everyday Yue Giho: "Kokoro" drawn by Sho Koen is still a problem of hiding - ITmedia + D Games(Note, it looks like a completely different mascot)

FujiSankei Business i./Bloomberg GLOBAL FINANCE: The growing company · VB / Broadmedia is the first big campaign Next to the Korean drama "LATEDORA"(Note, popular drama created in Latin countries popular on the net)

Changing consumer sentiment and retail business: Supermarket behind the house, but shopping online (1/3) - ITmedia Enterprise(There is merit to buy it on the net even if life, shipping fee is added)

Business Media Makoto: BMW launches electric vehicle "MINI E" in the US market(Can drive over 240 kilometers by car, one charge)

CNN.co.jp: UK Ministry of Defense, UFO eyewitness testimonials released to 1992 for six years(Memo, the first bullet released a document until 1987)

About 40% of people connecting speakers to home computers - japan.internet.com Daily Research(There are quite a few people who change the viewing method with notes, music and images)

Gun Sword Law Amendment Proposal: Dagger Knife etc. Prohibited Possession of Cabinet Decision - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Memo, swords with blades of 5.5 cm or more and less than 15 cm are subject to possession prohibition)

"Fake Crime Information Exchange Site" operated by FBI, arresting 56 people for 2 years of undercover | Internet | My Combi Journal(The operator of the information exchange site such as security, card number was an agent of FBI)

Even French president damages cybercrime - japan.internet.com Web technology(Note, someone draws money from the president's bank account)

Browser.js [Issue 29] What are the four effective ways to deceive people?(Note, you need to know how to deceive in order not to be deceived)

One third of heart disease, possibility of junk food cause = research | global speech | Reuters(Junk food causes about one-third of health, heart disease)

Meiji University, the domestic university introduces the largest storage system: RBB TODAY (broadband information site)(Hardware, 212 TB Windows file server)

Linear "straight route" possible, JR Tokai reports to the LDP: Economic news: Money · Economy: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(3 routes including railway and straight route can be constructed)

Material "Bucky Paper" which is 500 times stronger than 10 times lighter than steel, commercial production is in range> WIRED VISION(Note, although it is a powerful character, but manufacturing is somewhat difficult)

From elephant to bacteria, "energy consumption per weight" is common | WIRED VISION(Compare notes, metabolic rate of animals and plants at rest)

When switching to "disaster response type" vending machine | Excite News(Note, vending machine where drinks come out free in case of disaster)

"Aqua Notes Holiday Hidden Record" Review: To the world of fancy science! Unlock mysteries hidden in the South Sea coral reefs (1/2) - ITmedia + D Games(Game has more game elements than the previous series)

That's it! Kanamori 16th Nintendo What is the strategy hidden in DSi? | GLOBIS.JP(Read the meaning of the game, no rush additional functions)

Information leakage by electromagnetic waves at keyboard typing, researchers in Switzerland demonstrate(Security, weak electromagnetic waves generated when hitting keys are analyzed)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: How Kyoto is Kyoto(Travel, visit one of the small Kyoto in various parts of Japan)

Light torii also appears! - Light up event "Akarium" held at Meiji Shrine | Life | My com journal(Memo, events on October 31 and November 1 only)

Hanshin Koshien stadium: Remove the silver umbrella and "naked" ... Under repair work - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Memo, more than 20 years ago)

Which of the following beauties is a living human being? - Purupupon Suspension(It is difficult to distinguish when it is a memo or a photograph)

Three men died fatigue in Guinea police officers selection test | Speech of the world | Reuters(Note, considerable harshness though it is a test)

I see the game board! The Vampire Series is the treasure of the Great Game World(Games, settings and stories were also fun)

Latest animation information: "Kannagi" broadcast on BS Japan is decided!(Anime, BS 11 Digital "Kannagi" which was broadcast suspended broadcasted by BS Japan)

Kanemonroblock: I tried ordering(Memo, during campaign with postcard attached to pizza)

Both meal and shime together! In Shibuya, "ramen rice" is new classic - Tokyo Walker(Rice is poured into the soup remaining after eating ramen)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): I drank the world's first canned wine - "God's drop" Author's Nomurie diary - food and cuisine(Food, canned wine drunk by author of wine cartoon)

Completed "apple beer" in collaboration with bakery | Excite news(Food and raw baked apple made with bakery)

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Headline news on Monday, October 20, 2008

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log