Awesome smoking warning image printed on overseas cigarette package

Tobacco sold in Japan is a warning only of sentences, but overseas there are places in the package describing the influence on the body by smoking cigarettes.

Some of the images are copies of diseased bodies, etc., so that they are leaving a strong impression on purchasers.

Details are as below. Please note that shocking images are included in the link destination.
Uruguay cigarette warning display image

Warning of surrounding damage with spray-shaped cigarette.

Push the middle finger against the finger cigarette.

Canadian cigarette warning display image
Canada - warnings

Impotence by smoking.

Warning of halitosis.

Images of lung cancer.

Warn of sidestream smoke.

Chile tobacco warning display image
Chilean cigarette warnings

Posted pictures of those who became laryngeal cancer.

European cigarette warning display image
The European Union's cigarette warnings

Warn you that you will die prematurely

Smoking pregnant affects the fetus.

Promotes aging of the skin.

Warning images of other countries are as follows.
Resources - Picture Gallery - Pack Warnings

At the Ministry of Health, Labor and WelfareCompare warning indications on tobacco of each countryAlthough it is still, overseas notation has become quite direct wording.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log